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It had been over a week since that disastrous night. Denis knew he'd done the right thing, but each passing day felt longer than the last. He believed that over time his situation would get better, that he'd forget about Albert and move on. As time passed however, this seemed increasingly unrealistic, every small thing he did felt labour-some. Even waking up and brushing his teeth felt like a chore. He knew this wasn't normal behaviour and was very unlike him, but he just tried to ignore it and hope things would resolve on their own. He hadn't been to work for more than a whole week, nor had he contacted Sam or any of his other friends who were starting to worry. Sam threatened him, if he didn't come to work soon 'he'd come over himself to drag him out of his damp, depressing apartment.' Denis knew he wasn't kidding, so now he was in the car driving himself to work.

As soon as he entered the café he heard the familiar, comforting chime of the bell which seemed to calm his nerves. That was until he walked around the counter into the break room to greet Sam. It was around midday which meant the café was buzzing with life, almost every table occupied. He saw Sam sitting on the small couch in the back, scrolling on his phone. After a few moments Sam lifted his head to face Denis, as soon as he did it didn't take long for him to make his way over to him and engulf Denis in a hug. They didn't say anything, didn't need to, but then Sam had to ruin the moment.

"You look like shit, Denis"

"Thanks" Denis drawled as they both exchanged unimpressed looks. "Seriously though, tell me what the hell happened, Gabby was useless at giving me information!"

Denis explained what had happened to the best of his abilities, the whole night felt like it had occurred years ago. He wasn't sure how but everything to him was a blur, all he remembered was feeling extremely angry, then absolutely devastated. He wasn't sure what had happened after, which did nothing to calm his never ending worries. What had happened with Albert and Jake after they left? Had Albert blocked his number, that would explain the extremely obvious lack of texts from him.

"And he didn't even text me! Nothing at all! No apology, not even an angry 'fuck you' text!" Denis sputtered. Sam remained silent but the look on his face made Denis' stomach drop. "What is it Sam?" He prodded, his words sounding short and expectant. "Denis, you've been off work for almost two weeks now.."

"Yeah, and?" Denis looked at him piercingly. "Well for the past couple weeks.." Sam trailed off, Denis was becoming increasingly impatient. "Albert has visited the café every day since then."

Denis' stomach dropped. "What?"

"That's the main reason I wanted you to come back to work so badly, but.."

"But what Sam? Just tell me already!"

"He hasn't showed the past couple days, I'm worried you've missed him Denis." Sam sighed.

Denis didn't know what to think, for the past couple weeks he'd thought Albert was uninterested in having any contact with him whatsoever, but this whole time?

"Why didn't he just text me then?" Now Denis was fuming. "He said it was something he wanted to talk to you about in person."

The entirety of Denis' shift was hell. He wanted nothing more than to go home, maybe think about texting Albert. The anticipation was eating him alive, constantly whipping his head around to the front doors of the café every time a new customer sounded the bell. Despite this, Denis did want to keep his job and after weeks of no shows, going home early wasn't the best idea. Although after Sam telling him off for the 5th time in 30 minutes to quit drumming his fingers on the counter, or tapping his foot obnoxiously loud on the tiled floor, Sam practically begged him to leave. Sam claimed he would cover for him the rest of the shift, only if he promised to come in the next day. Denis didn't hesitate to weave past customers and make his way outside.

Then, he was in the confines of his car. Finally without the constant noise occupying his thoughts, he could finally just think. Talking to Sam seemed to help him gather himself, so he decided he'd go home and invite Gabby over. Hopefully her advice could help him from spiralling even more than he had. Turning the keys and starting the ignition, he drove down the familiar roads back to his apartment.

30 minutes ago, he wanted nothing more than to just be by himself and contemplate, but now, as corny as it sounds, he couldn't bare how his chest clenched at the though of Albert. The only conclusion he'd come to was that he was certainly not over him.

Denis pulled into the car park and slung himself out of the car. He walked up to the front steps that led to the wooden door to his humble apartment, keys swinging around his finger.


Denis' heart seized, then became heavy in his chest. He knew that voice, yearned to hear it every single day. He slowly, carefully, lifted his head from where his gaze was locked onto the pavement, and stared. He stared at the elevated figure, just three steps away from himself.


Denis' voice was hoarse, it struggled to keep steady. For a moment, it was just them. The car horns that blared in the distance seemed to silence themselves, the trills of the nearby birds warped into a faint melody. Denis let out a soft breath, he vaguely felt his legs lifting him up the steps and now he stood, staring down at Albert. Albert lifted his hand and placed a feather light touch to his cheek, as though he didn't want to cross any extremely obscured boundaries. Denis immediately lifted his hand to place it on top of Albert's. Although, despite the difficulty, he clasped Alberts hand in his and removed it from his face.

"Jake?" Denis uttered softly, to which Albert lightly shook his head. At that, Denis placed Alberts hand back onto his cheek and in return, placed his on the small of his back.

In an instant, they both pulled each other in. Denis placed his lips against Albert's, his eyes fluttering closed. Albert's spare hand darted to Denis' neck, his dancing fingertips erupted butterflies within Denis' stomach.

Their lips moved together, every now and again breaking apart to allow air to enter their lungs. Then Denis felt Albert glide a hesitant tongue along his bottom lip. Although surprised, he parted his mouth. Denis couldn't even recall how long he had waited for this, but nothing could have prepared him for it.

Eventually the two of them separated, although their bodies were still intermingled with the other. Denis stared into the eyes looking right back at him through long eyelashes, Albert's now wet lips glistening in the airy sunlight. Denis brushed his loose bangs away from his eyes and was amazed that all of this, everything that's happened, started with a coffee.


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