And They Were Roomates

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Time seemed to slow as Denis' mouth moved faster than his brain, which was unable to comprehend what he had just said.

"What?" Albert stared at Denis blankly, eyes unblinking. All Denis could do was stare back. There was no turning back now.

"I know we only just met but I really wouldn't mind if you stayed" Denis rambled on, becoming flustered. "Until you patch things up with uhm, what's his name?"

"Jake" Albert responded

"Right, Jake, and I can assure you I'm not a serial killer," Denis blurted out to which Albert laughed at, thankfully easing the tension. "I really don't know what to say," Albert admitted, before a sheepish smile made its way onto his face. "First of all, what's your name?

Denis scoffed, "my names Denis."

"I like the name Denis."

There was a long pause before Albert spoke up, "I know this is crazy but, I might actually take you up on that offer."

"You're seriously going to move in with me?" Denis deadpanned, astonished that Albert had even considered his proposal. Albert snorted, "I wouldn't call it moving in.."

"Right, just temporary accomodation."

"Exactly." Albert nodded.

"Do you need to pick up anything from your old place?" Denis asked. "Yeah, but I think I'll wait until tomorrow to pick my stuff up," Albert muttered. "That's alright, I have a spare tooth brush and some clothes back at mine you could use?"

"That would be great, thanks." Albert smiled.

Denis went back to the kitchen and clocked out, hanging his apron on the rack before heading to the door. Before he could get there however, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw his coworker, Sam. "How come you're leaving so early?"

"It's a long story," Denis mumbled. Sam looked past his shoulder, noticing Albert standing by the door expectantly, looking at him and Denis. "You finally asked him out?"

"What?" Denis' features scrunched up in confusion before he turned around, seeing who Sam was referring to. "Oh! No, it's nothing like that-"

"Sure it's not," Sam let out a hearty laugh, patting Denis' shoulder. "If he shows up tomorrow with a limp, I'll know if I'm right."

"You're so gross." Denis quirked his mouth in disgust. "Whatever, see you tomorrow Denis." Sam waved, heading back to work.

Shaking his head, he walked to the door. "What was that about?" Albert quizzed. "Don't worry about it," Denis grumbled before taking Albert's coat from the rack and slinging it over his shoulder. "Thanks," Albert muttered as they walked out the door, the signature bell ringing above them as they left.

After they'd gotten into the car the drive home was mainly silent, only the occasional comment if they'd driven by something peculiar. While listening to the radio, a trashy pop song had started. Denis swore he had heard this song play on the radio at least 15 times this week and he was sick of it. Apparently Albert was thinking the same thing because as Denis reached for the notch to change radio stations, his hand brushed against Albert's. Both retracting their hands, they looked away from each other.

"Sorry, you can change it," Denis coughed while nervously drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. Albert had seemed to forget it fairly easily, but the ghost of Albert's touch still lingered against Denis' hand, making it hard for him to concentrate. This is going to be a long night, Denis thought to himself.

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