Date Night

285 7 16

The next day rolled around both too slow and too fast for Denis' liking. It was his day off so he didn't have work to keep him preoccupied like it usually did in stressful scenarios like these. He considered going out with some friends to have a nice lunch, but he couldn't rid himself from the insistent nagging at the bottom of his stomach which made him want to throw up at the very thought of food. This is why he resorted to frequent naps accompanied by lots of pacing around his apartment.

Denis was lounging on his couch, head strained backwards as he dozed off when he heard sporadic knocking from down the hall. He whipped his head forward, immediately regretting it as he rubbed the back of his now sore neck. After a moment, the knocking only got louder and more frequent. "M'coming.." Denis slurred as he heaved himself from the couch and made his way to the door. Swinging it open he saw Gabby standing expectantly. She was wearing a lovely green dress that glistened when caught in the afternoon sun, she'd obviously taken this whole date thing seriously. Denis pulled her into a hug which she eagerly returned. "God, it's been ages since I've seen you!" Denis mumbled to which Gabby smiled warmly at. "I appreciate the warm welcome but I'd appreciate it even more if I didn't have to spend the rest of my afternoon in the hallway?" Denis could hear the smirk in her voice. Rolling his eyes, he shoved her inside his apartment, closing the door. She always managed to ruin the moment.

"So, tell me more about this guy." Denis blinked at that, then coughed awkwardly. "What do you uh- what do you want to know?"

"Well you seemed pretty worked up last night, you obviously like him a lot." Gabby gave him a knowing look as she talked. "Yeah, I guess you could say that"

"Then why are you going on a double date with him and his boyfriend" Gabby tried to mask her laughing by clearing her throat. Denis directed a look of annoyance her way which wiped the smile off her face. He then explained the predicament that occurred in his apartment not even a week ago.

"Yikes" Gabby gawked and Denis avoided her gaze. "Only you Denis, could get yourself into a situation like this." She sighed. "I know it's not ideal but I have to do it," Denis explained, exasperated as he waved his hands about. Gabby raised her eyebrow yet got up from where she was sitting at his kitchen counter and walked towards his bedroom.
Denis followed, curious as to what she was doing.

"Well first we should pick out an outfit, you don't exactly look ideal," Gabby drawled, smirking while looking him up and down. Denis frowned at her but sat on his bed regardless, ready to comply with whatever Gabby's plan was. After half an hour of laughing and arguing as well as clothes being thrown at each other, they finally came to an agreement. Denis now sported a pair of dark slacks matched with a collared silk shirt that hugged his figure, only a few of the buttons done up which revealed a silver necklace resting on his collar bone. "Nice," Gabby mumbled, giving Denis an approving look. "Now your hair."

For a while they were fussing around with his hair, at one point almost gassing the both of them while choosing which cologne he should wear. Finally, they decided he was fit for the night and started to watch a movie before they headed off to the restaurant.

During the movie, Gabby cracked a joke about one of the characters that she was sure Denis would laugh at. Although when he remained silent, she looked to her side and saw him spaced out, staring blankly at the wall. When she followed his gaze, she noticed the clock ticking away, they were meant to leave in 15 minutes. "Denis, are you alright?" Again, no response. Gabby shoved him slightly with her shoulder. That seemed to snap him out of it, he looked around slightly, then turned his gaze to her. "Hm?"

"You were spacing out, are you okay?"

"What? Oh yeah of course, just a bit nervous" Denis replied with a lopsided grin, he was obviously more than just a little nervous. "Denis you know you don't have to do this.. Right?" Gabby tried. Denis scrunched his face slightly, "I'm not having this conversation again."

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