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A couple days later and although Denis' voice was still a tad raspy, it was much better than it had been. Denis has decided it was time to go back to work, however his first shift back was unfortunately a morning one, started at 6am. Glancing at his reflection as he was about to leave his room, he paused to ruffle his hair and neaten his moustache. He then trudged his way to the front door after deciding he looked presentable, snatching his keys from the bench as he passed.

Denis opened his car door and stepped out, walking across the small car park to the café. Pushing the door open, the familiar sound of the bell helped wake him up fully. As he did so, he saw Sam lift his head up and smile in his direction. He did miss Sam, although he was often a smart ass he was still a good friend of his.

As he walked behind the counter, he saw Sam glancing at his neck. "Jesus, didn't know you were into that," Sam smirked. Denis just rolled his eyes, maybe he didn't like him as much as he thought. "Actually, his boyfriend paid a visit," Denis let out in a raspy voice. "Sounds like he beat your ass," Sam tried to hold in his laughter, it didn't work.

Denis once again rolled his eyes before walking into the break room, throwing a small bag onto the floor. The bag that contained Albert's clothes.

"But seriously though, are you alright?" Sam asked, "you don't look too great."

"He didn't look so good either to be honest," Denis mumbled before he went silent. "I just feel bad for Albert, I got him into a pretty shit situation," Denis cringed. "Albert, so that's his name."

"Sam I'm being serious,"

"I know, I know," Sam put his hands up in fake surrender. "Have you tried calling him?"

"No, I didn't even get his number," Denis groaned. Then Denis seemed to realise something and shook his head in disapproval. "He's in a relationship anyways, I'm not that type of guy, besides I really doubt he wants anything to do with me right now."

"I wouldn't be so sure, he's walked in here the past couple days looking hopeful, only to sulk in the corner when he realised you weren't in." Sam shrugged. Denis snapped his head up to look at Sam, "he did?"

Sam nodded his head.

Denis leaned against the wall, staring at the ground in thought.


Hours had passed and it was now 10:00am, the breakfast rush hour. People had piled in and he was very busy making dozens of coffees, until he glanced up in hope of seeing a particular someone, and for the first time that whole shift, he had found who he was looking for. Looking out the massive windows, he saw Albert walking along the pavement with his hands in his pockets looking at gorgeous as ever. Denis' heart skipped a beat when he saw Albert turn to enter the café.

Attempting to look nonchalant, he once again busied himself with the many coffee orders. His palms started to sweat and he suddenly became very nervous, he hadn't prepared himself for any possible interactions today. A few minutes passed and Sam nudged Denis' shoulder. "Hey, I need to go to the bathroom real quick, do you mind taking the orders?" Sam inquired.

Denis gave him a confused look, Sam knew Denis shouldn't be talking excessively to customers with his sore throat, and there were plenty other employees who could take over. Then Denis looked to the counter, and saw Albert waiting patiently.

Denis gave Sam a look before making his way to the counter. Albert seemed to hesitate for a moment, "could I please get a-"

"-a caramel cappuccino? Extra sugar with whipped cream?" Denis finished Alberts sentence for him.

Albert froze, "you know my order?"

Denis suddenly felt like a complete dork. "I guess I do." Denis answered. Albert blinked, there was a certain look in his eyes that Denis couldn't quite understand. He couldn't analyse it for too long though, because Albert pulled out his card and paid for the drink. "Your break is at 10:30am right?" Albert asked distractedly.

"Yeah it is-" then Denis paused, looking up at Albert. Albert did the same, before realising what he said. Denis raised his eyebrow, "you know what time my break is?"

"I guess I do."


The next half hour seemed to pass excruciatingly slow. Denis kept looking at the clock, he'd never been more eager for his break.

Finally it was 10:30am and Denis hung up his apron and snatched his bag from the break room. Catching Alberts eye, he hurried over to his table. Denis noticed he had chosen a table in the quieter part of the diner where they'd be able to talk easier without many interruptions.

"What did you want to talk about?" Denis let out as he plopped down in the seat opposite Albert.

Albert winced, now that it wasn't so loud, he noticed the croak in Denis' voice. He then noticed the faint bruises on his neck. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realise he hurt you that badly." Albert uttered. Denis shrugged, "it's really no big deal." When Albert was about to rebut Denis' claim, Denis swiftly pulled out the bag from under the table and handed it to Albert. When Albert gave him a quizzical look, Denis elaborated. "It's your clothes from the other night"

"Oh," Albert unzipped the bag, looking inside. "You can keep them," Albert concluded and pushed them back over to Denis.

Denis just blinked, "besides that's not the reason I wanted to talk to you."

"I'm listening," Denis affirmed, placing his newfound belongings underneath the table.

"First of all, I am sorry for what happened. In hindsight it was irresponsible of me to stay at your place. It did look uhm, compromising." Albert admitted. Albert scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, a bit." Denis confirmed.

"But I did have a really nice time and I appreciate you hearing out my problems," Albert chuckled half heartedly before a serious expression flashed across his features. "But, Jake didn't exactly believe me that we weren't a thing." Albert then looked into Denis' eyes. Denis' stomach dropped, had be really caused them to break up? He liked Albert and he knew that, but he would never want to get between someone and their partner.

"And I'm so sorry Denis but," Albert started. Denis then looked puzzled, why was he apologising?

"But I may or my not have said you were already dating someone so he'd believe me." Albert blurted out guiltily

"What?" Denis ask, astonished.

"So now he wants to go on a double date to prove it."

Denis had not a clue how he had gotten himself into this situation.

Not going to lie I didn't exactly plan this far ahead and I hope it doesn't show, if you have any ideas for future chapters you'd like to see let me know.

Also Albert POV coming soon, what do you think of that? 😲😲

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