The Fight

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Denis pulled into the car park, turning off the ignition. The two of them remained silent for a moment, just listening to the soft rainfall as it pattered against the car windows. Sighing, Denis reached over the back to retrieve an old, beaten up umbrella.

"Only one I've got," Denis admitted as he noticed Albert didn't have one.

"Wait there" Denis opened his car door, swiftly making his way over to Albert's side. As he opened the car door for Albert he held the umbrella over his head.

"What a gentleman," Albert remarked and when Denis bent forward, bowing to him in an overly dramatic manor Albert let out a fond laugh. Laughing along with each other, they started to walk to Denis' apartment.

"Got here just in time, looks like it's about to pour down again." Just as the words left Denis' mouth, the weather became relentless. The dark, heavy clouds started pelting down rain, resulting in the umbrella giving out from the harsh force of the downpour. "Shit!" Not wanting to get either of them wet, Denis started to run, wrapping his arm firmly around Albert's waist to make sure he kept up. Despite Denis' current distress, Albert couldn't help but laugh. Looking to his side and seeing Alberts beaming smile accompanying his squinted eyes full of laughter, he was surprised his legs didn't give out then and there. Denis couldn't help but laugh along with him, Albert's energy was contagious.

Finally, they reached the front steps just in front of Denis' apartment complex and Denis reluctantly let go of Alberts waist. Fumbling with his keys, he unlocked the door as Albert folded the umbrella up and shook it on the pavement, ridding any excess water droplets from it. When the two of them stepped inside, the warmth welcomed them with opened arms.

Leading Albert up the stairs to the third floor where his room was, he allowed him to walk in first once he unlocked it. "Sorry it's such a mess, I wasn't exactly expecting company.." Denis trailed off as he helped Albert take his coat off, hanging it on the rack beside the door. Albert cringed, "don't apologise, my rooms way worse,"

"Yeah? I'll be the judge of that," Denis chuckled to which Albert raised his eyebrow at. "You saying you want to come back to my place?"

"What?" Denis blinked, "oh! No that's not what I meant!" Denis started rambling in an attempt to explain himself. "Relax, I was only joking with you," Albert shook his head, smiling. "Right," Denis let out a short cough before escaping to the kitchen.

Denis was bent down rifling through a draw in the fridge in an attempt to find something to cook. He usually just brought leftovers from the café back home but this afternoon he had been a tad distracted. "You hungry?" Denis asked, looking over his shoulder at Albert who had sat himself at the kitchen counter. Noticing Albert's dazed expression, he stood up fully and turned to look at him. "Are you staring at my ass?" Denis smirked. Albert huffed out a laugh, "yeah and there's not much going on back there." Albert dismissed, although his face had started to redden. "That hurts," Denis winced, feigning a look of sorrow.

Turning back around, Denis jokingly swayed his hips from side to side to which Albert snorted at. "See! I knew you were looking!" Denis accused as he whipped back around to face Albert. "Yeah yeah whatever, you caught me," Albert laughed out. "But seriously, what's for dinner I'm starving."

Denis smiled to himself at Albert's sudden subject change as he pulled his phone out from his back pocket.

"Got nothing to cook with at the moment, how does take out sound?" Denis looked up at Albert as he asked. "Yeah that sounds great actually."

"What kind of food do you like Albert?"

"I'm still not completely familiar with all the restaurants around here, so I wouldn't mind if you picked out something new for me to try?"

"Yeah sure, there's this great Thai restaurant down the road?"

"I'm down," Albert nodded.


After their food arrived they had sat down to watch a show as they ate. They were laughing along to some cheesy rom-com.

"Hey Denis?" Albert looked at Denis who was sitting next to him on the couch. Denis looked back at him, smiling. "Yeah?"

"I really appreciate all of this, it was really nice of you to invite a stranger to stay with you."

"It's no problem really," Denis shrugged. Then there was silence, just the soft buzz emitted from the TV could be heard. "Uhm, what exactly happened with you and Jake?" Denis didn't expect an answer but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't even a little curious.

Albert cleared his throat, allowing the silence around them to continue for a while before he composed himself. Then finally spoke up; "I'm not even entirely sure myself, It just feels like he's changed," he admitted. "we met a few years ago back in America, we were really close and were about to move in with each other until he got a job offer here in Canada." Albert continued. "He really couldn't decline it so we decided to give long distance a try, I didn't think it would be a problem and it honestly wasn't, until I recently decided to move here to be with him." Albert's voice began to waver. "I was so excited to finally be with him again but when we met up he just seemed so distant, he was so busy with work and didn't seem to acknowledge the fact I left all my family and friends back in America just to be with him." Now Albert was beginning to sound frustrated as tears brimmed his eyes. Noticing this, Denis decided it was time to drop the conversation.

"It's alright," Denis tried to console him, rubbing comforting circles on his back. "Sorry, I'm being stupid." Albert mumbled as he shook his head. "No! Of course you're not," Denis reassured him, "I think we should just call it a night and talk more about it tomorrow."

"Yeah, I think you're right" Albert sniffled. They both got up and Denis lead Albert to his bedroom.

"Here," Denis handed Albert a pair of sweatpants and a loose fitted tee he had retrieved from his dresser. Once Albert had gotten dressed, they met back in Denis' room. "So, where's the guest bedroom?" Albert inquired. Suddenly Denis realised something.

"I only have one bed."

AN- WOW! Finally got another chapter out, sorry if the quality isn't the best but enjoy!!!!

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