Chapter 36: Final

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Jimin's face was exceptionally bright as she dismounted from the carriage. Taehyung's servant, who had been waiting for her, approached as Jimin walked as if she was running.

"Where is the Count?"

"He's in the Lady's room."

Jimin's steps became faster and faster. She had been warned many times in her etiquette classes that she should never walk frivolously or be impatient, but she couldn't think much at this moment. She just climbed the stairs diligently and quickly arrived at her room. And the servant opened the door as soon as she arrived.


Jimin called in a small voice. But no answer was heard. Then Jimin slowly stepped inside, observing. Then, looking in all directions, she suddenly noticed that someone was sitting on a bed covered by a canopy. As she approached closer, she noticed a familiar silhouette through the thin curtains.

Jimin moved forward, step by step, wistfully, as if reuniting with a long lost lover. Then, at a certain moment, she just stood there, her breathing seemed to stop. Soon a low, low voice sounded in her ear.

"You're late."

She saw the peculiar smile that huffed up the tip of his mouth. The smile was somewhat gentle.

Immediately, Jimin looked at his complexion. Taehyung looked somewhat tired, but still as undisturbed and perfect as ever. She was glad and relieved that he came back unharmed.

"Who was it that came late?"

"Am I late?"

Jimin had a complicated expression on her face, worry and resentment, relief and joy, all intertwined.

Funny enough, Taehyung liked the look on her face. She looked like she had been waiting for his return.

He looked into Jimin's eyes.

Both eyes, tinged with gold, were as bright and beautiful as stars. Whatever the scale of the war, the bloody place was cruel and lonely. It was crowded with soldiers, but in the end, the only thing that kept him alive was her.

The night was especially deep in such a place, and the stars shone brighter because of the late night. As he looked at the stars outside, he remembered what Jimin's words.

"The noble ones become the sun, and the trivial ones like us become a handful of stars scattered across the night sky. So every moment that is as dark and far away as the night, I become a star and always watch over you......."

Jimin's face reminded him of a moment as far away as the night, and her words were quite comforting.

"...Why did you go there?"

Jimin spoke in a resentful, whimpering voice.


"Why did you do that because of me? You didn't have to go to war..."

"Why is it your fault? I did it because I wanted to."

Jimin shook her head.

"I'm not going to play with words like that! What if you were hurt?"

"The worried look on your face makes it all worth it."

His words were soft, as if he was trying to reassure her.


Taehyung called her name. Even though he called it plainly, his voice felt deep and serious. He looked carefully at her hand. Hidden by the ruffles of the voluminous dress, her hands were not properly visible.

Maid's Night || Vmin ff ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें