Raphael Divides Us

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure?" Astarion asked.

I nodded, "better for me to tell you than for Raphael to twist it and drive us apart." We continued on our trail as I told them everything. "So as an Enchantress I age like a siren. I was sold to the captain guard a few days after he was promoted."

"Why, that was nearly 60 years ago!" Gale looked at me shocked.

"Yep. I was with him as he started his family. Watched his son grow up as my body had barely aged, as if only 10 years had gone by. I suffered at their hands for 57 years. I'm actually 63." Their jaws were nearly on the floor.

"You never told me you were so old!" Astarion sassed.

"Hey! You're still 4 times older than me!" I pointed at him making him wave me off. "Anyway, I reached a point where I couldn't take the torture, the experiments anymore. I tried everything under the sun to end it all. But I didn't know about what I was. Or that it only takes bleeding me dry, or a certain kind of poison to kill me. Every time I tried to tear my veins open the soldiers would heal me before blood could even touch the floor."

"They couldn't lose their most valued puppet." Astarion sighed, knowing too well what that was like.

"What does that have to do with Raphael or the tadpoles?" Lay'zel rushed me.

"They got tired of me trying to kill myself so they locked me up in a literal cage. I could barely move it was so small." I hugged myself absent mindedly, rubbing my arm with my thumb. "I heard them talking of summoning a devil, one to turn me fully into their mindless slave. But something went wrong with the deal. There was nothing Raphael could do to make me how they wanted. And there was no price they could pay to make him try. But when he looked at me I pleaded with him to make a deal. He was hungry for my soul, he said he'd give me whatever I wanted."

"So what did you get?" Shadowheart asked.

"Freedom." I sighed as I looked up at the moon. "When I next opened my eyes I was on the ship. Getting a tadpole shoved into my eye. Then I woke up on the beach with a new body, and no memories. That's when I met you lot. But I have to ask, when we first met, and our minds connected, what did you guys see from me?"

"I saw you fighting for your life aboard the ship." Gale admitted.

"You took out 3 of those damned creatures on your own." Lay'zel sounded impressed.

"I also saw you running around the ship." Astarion admitted.

"That's it?" I asked, honestly more shocked than I should have been. The party looking confused as they all stopped walking and just stared at me. Demanding answers with their eyes. "I saw...all of you. All that makes up you guys. All your secrets."

"Excuse me?!"
"You have no right!"
"I don't belive that!"

They all shouted angry making me recoil. "I'm sorry! I didn't ask for it to happen!"

"Maybe we should set up camp. All this new information is making my head spin." Shadowheart put her hand on her head. We found a small clearing where they made it clear they wanted distance from me. So I set up my small bed roll away from them, under the moonlight. Alone again. I got out a journal where I drew in it. I sat against a tree, knees to my chest as I drew myself in that cage.

Astarion sat down in front of me, a few feet separated us as he didn't say anything for a moment. "What's going on in that clouded head of yours treasure? I've never seen you so down."

"Maybe I was better off locked up." I hugged my knees closer to me. "I don't feel like anyone's treasure right now." I looked at the rest of our party around a small fire, their backs to me. "Why aren't you with them? Aren't you mad at me?"

Learning How To Heal A Vampire (Astarion x Y/K)Where stories live. Discover now