Then the shooting range," he said in a stern voice, then in a softer tone, " I don't want to anger him even more, but we need to talk," he said, pointing at me and Ice " Then we can talk later." Another silence. "Damn, Kim, what's happened to you, the old you would have blown up and even pulled your gun out by now," Said Vegas. In return, Kim gave him his signature menacing look. " Do you want to see the real Kim? Vegas? I'll be happy to show you Kim says in a voice that everyone knows not to mess with. "Leave him Vagas," says Kinn. " I will call you when the setup is done." Kim nods and motions us to follow. "Tay, hold back for a second. I need to speak with you," Kinn said

 "What's up?" I ask, walking over to him. "How are you holding up?" I thought he wanted to talk about something seriously: " I'm..." I pause for a few seconds." Fine, fabulous. I never felt more myself in so long," I say honestly. "I know you started coming around with Time, but I'm glad we have you as a friend and trusted partner," he said." Thank you for being around Porsche and being someone he trusts," he said with genuine sympathy, making a knot form in my throat. 

  "No, thank you for accepting me, but what did you want to ask?" He nods. " Did you see this coming?" I look at him questioningly." Did he tell you anything? How he thought of this family?" He asked. His best friend betrayed him. Of course, he wants answers. I shake my head no." I'm sorry, Kinn, I had no idea. He always held back from me, not telling me too much. As he saw me and Porsche getting closer, he got more distant. I had no idea he would do this," I said honestly. 

  " Everyone around me betrayed me. I don't trust anyone but Porsche, and he trusts you. Don't betray him." Kinn says in a sad voice. "Kinn, you and Porsche are more family than mine, now Porschay is ... well..." I couldn't finish cause right now I'm confused. I'm not sure what he and I are. I don't regret leaving Time, and I promised Porsche I wouldn't jump into anything right away with Chay... I sigh, getting a pat on my shoulder from Kinn.

   " Alright, Tay, I believe you and things regarding Chay will work out. Just give the kid some time. It looks like Kim wants him as well as Ice with the way all he wants is to protect Chay. Things will work out for you. I'm on team Tay all the way. Kinn says, making me laugh. " We are on team Ice," Nova and Benz say. "I thought you two wanted Chay." I say, "That was before we knew our brother was interested in Chay. Our brother never found anyone that he was interested in, so we gave up on Chay." Benz says, " I have a husband already." Nova says I don't want Chay. I'll stay loyal to Macau. Novva says. "If anyone knows anyone that is single and wants a cute little fenn like me, let me know," Benz says. 

  "Ohhhh, we are picking Chay's partners' teams. No doubt my baby brother will win. Then the rest of you can disappear. I'm on Team Kim. No offense to you, Tay, but Chay is Kim Light. I won't let my brother lose the happiness he has finally found," Khun says, grabbing the mirror he left earlier. " Bye, dog faces," He says, blowing in like a wind and right back out. Like he was never here.

  "I just want Chay to be happy," says Pete. "He's been through a lot. what about you, Vegas?" Pete says. Vegas stays quiet like he knows something. " I want to find Macau. I don't care who he picks." Vegas says, not showing any emotion. I knew he was hiding something.

   You should catch up to the other two idiots." I nod and leave, but not before I ask, "Do you know where he is?" I asked, "He's at yours and his house? he doesn't know we know, or if he does, he is not showing anything. I have 2 of Kim's men following him. We can't afford to slip up." Kinn says

 I walked out the door and passed a room with loud voices. I could only think it was where Thankhun was fixing up the space for Dr. Top, and he would stay until Porsche was better. That's a relationship none of us saw coming. As I continue, I see Kim and Ice at a window. When I look, I see Chay opening his birthday gifts. It seems like he is crying. My poor Chay just wanted a grand party for once in his life, and instead, his brother almost dies, his friend gets kidnapped, and he almost gets kidnapped. 

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