Party Hangover

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Lowly groaning I opened my eyes to stare at the ceiling. Lifting my head I realized my legs were hanging off the bed, rubbing my eyes I had released a scoff then sat up. Feeling slightly dizzy I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them and stand up slowly. Walking over to the dresser I pulled the top drawer open then grabbed a pair of my jeans and my crop top that had skeleton hands which were placed to "cup" my boobs. Honestly glad I still had an outfit left behind at the clubhouse. Once I was dressed I sat down on the edge of the bed to put on my skull and roses converses, as I was leaving the room I grabbed my black beanie off the dresser to slide it on while walking down the hallway. Seeing members and crow eaters lying around the clubhouse I made my way out the door to find Josh sitting at the picnic table with Jax and Chibs.

Jax:"About time you wake up."
Me:"I know."

Taking a seat beside Josh he had finally looked over at me, he smiled but his eyes trailed down to my shirt causing him to cock his head.

Josh:"Nice shirt."
Me:"Yea it was a favorite of mine."
Josh:"I hope those hands know that those titties are mine, right?"

I couldn't help but laugh a little then groan lowly as I rubbed my temples.

Jax:"Drank too much last night did we now?"
Me:"Way too much."
Josh:"I can fix that."
Jax:"I don't think fucking will help."
Josh:"No shit dickhead. Not what I was talking about."

Josh stood up then walked inside the clubhouse.

Jax:"So Riley, did you have fun?"

I looked up at Jax in confusion.

Me:"I don't think drinking that much was fun."
Jax:"Oh I think you know exactly what I was meaning."
Me:"Oh.. of course I did."
Chibs:"Ope mentioned you pulled the whole leave the cut on thing."
Me:"I'm shooting his ass."
Jax:"Need to borrow my 9?"
Me:"Yes I would."

Jax laughed and shook his head,

Jax:"I'll put him on bitch duty."
Me:"Much appreciated Jackie."

The clubhouse door opened and out walked Josh carrying a cup in his hand. He sat back down with a smile as he handed the cup to me.

Josh:"This should do the trick."
Me:"What is it?"
Josh:"Just try it."

Wanting this headache to ease I took a drink then smiled.

Me:"Hmm tea with honey."
Josh:"You know your stuff but yes and believe me it'll help."
Me:"Thank you."
Josh:"Anything for you."
Jax:"The two of you are going to make me barf."

I flipped Jax off as he made gagging sounds,

Jax:"Kidding but since your back I hope you know what annual charity is coming up, right?"
Me:"Is it?!"
Jax:"Sure is, Gemma already has most of it planned out."
Josh:"What charity?"
Me:"Something Gemma does to help out the towns needs. She calls it the annual country line dance, it's actually my favorite charity she started."
Josh:"Is it now? When is it?"
Jax:"Next month. I expect all of you to be there."
Me:"We'll be there."
Jax:"Good, besides Gemma may need your help setting up."
Me:"She won't have to ask, I willingly volunteer."

Jax laughed and shook his head but stopped when Rat rushed out of the clubhouse.

Rat:"We have a problem."
Rat:"Ope was out with Lyla, they were ran off the road."
Jax:"What! Where?"
Rat:"A few miles from here. Ope is fine but Lyla? She's hurt."
Jax:"Okay, uh Josh and Chibs your with me. Riley stay here and be ready to help patch Lyla up."
Me:"On it."

I gave Josh a quick kiss before getting up to run inside the clubhouse to gather what I needed. Descending roars left the lot and in walked Gemma with a smile but soon turned to concern when she noticed I was gathering medical supplies.

Gemma:"What happened?"
Me:"Ope and Lyla were ran off the road, Jax left with Josh and Chibs to go get them."
Gemma:"Jesus.. do you need help?"
Me:"No ma'am, I got this."
Gemma:"Okay sweetheart."

I rushed past her to take the medical supplies into the back bedroom then removed the blankets and put a clean sheet on the bed knowing it'll have to be changed again. Making my way back outside to wait on them, it didn't take long since they flew back through the gate. The van door flung opened and I ran over to help Ope carry Lyla inside, once we got her on the bed I made everyone leave except Ope. Thankfully she wasn't in that bad of shape but I cleaned the opened wound on her left knee then sterilized it before stitching it closed,

Opie:"Thank you Rye."
Me:"No thanks needed, she'll be okay Ope."
Opie:"I have to go talk to Jax, you got it from here?"
Me:"All good Ope."

He smiled then stood up leaving the room.

Lyla:"You didn't have to do this Rye."
Me:"Yes I do. Part of being an ol' lady."
Lyla:"Yea I suppose."

I smiled softly as I finished the last stitch then wrapped up her knee. Before helping her up I went and washed my hands then returned helping Lyla to her feet. She wrapped her arm around my neck and I walked us out of the bedroom, stepping out of the hallway I saw Jax look over. Helping Lyla onto the stool I stood next to Josh who smiled up at me.

Jax:"Thanks Rye."
Me:"It's what I do."
Josh:"It'll be a late night tonight."
Me:"That's fine just come back in one piece."
Josh:"Always sweetheart."

I leaned down kissing him then made my way outside to the picnic table to smoke a cigarette. Gemma sat next to me,

Gemma:"We're glad your back Rye."
Me:"I am too. Jax told me about next month, don't even ask Illegal be there to help you set up."
Gemma:"Thank you. I always appreciate your help."
Me:"I don't mind at all."

The clubhouse door opened and out walked every member. Josh walked straight towards me then cupped my face giving me a kiss.

Josh:"Don't wait up for me."
Me:"Too late."
Josh:"Gemma will you give her a ride home?"
Gemma:"Yes I can. You boys be safe."
Jax:"We will ma. Come on let's go."
Josh:"Stay inside and lock the doors, understand?"

He kissed my forehead before heading over to his bike. I stood up with Gemma watching the guys leave then she looked to me.

Gemma:"Let's get Lyla in the car, we'll drop her off first then I'll take you home."
Me:"Sounds like a plan."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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