Break In

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It's been a month and a half since I first arrived at Josh's. We've grown a lot closer to one another and things couldn't be much better than this. I had gotten everything done and now was waiting for Josh to come home. I was making my rounds around the house to make sure everything was locked up before heading to the bedroom. When I made it to the front door I started to turn the lock when the door was kicked in and the edge of it caught my face causing me to stumble backwards, my hand moved over my face then I removed it to see blood. I didn't even notice the three intruders in the living room until I heard something shatter.

Me:"Hey! Who the fuck are you!?"

I was already furious due to my nose bleeding, none of them said anything just ran towards me. I reacted quickly by darting down the hallway only to get one foot through the bedroom doorway when I was snatched up and flung towards the floor. My face connected with the floor and soon enough I was pocked back up to be carried back into the living room where a chair was waiting near the coffee table. They didn't bother to be gentle since I was slammed down into the chair then tied to it. Each one took turns roughing me up. With each punch came the same question, 'where is he!?'.

Josh's P.O.V

Ray and I laughed then I stood up heading for the door.

Ray:"Where you going man?"
Me:"Home, I know my lady is waiting on me."
Ray:"Alright man I'll see you tomorrow."

On my way out the door I gave a quick wave then hurried over to my bike to climb on quickly. On the way home I knew Riley would be too tired to talk since it's late, I pulled around the corner to reach the driveway then shut off my bike with a smile. I climbed off making my way towards the front door but when I looked up I saw it was more than halfway open causing me to get stiff. Yanking my gun out, I crept through the door finding the house was a complete mess.


No answer, did I piss her off somehow? It only took a second to realize what actually happened, feeling my heart racing I called out for Riley once more. Listening closely I could hear faint groaning and I stepped into the dark living room. The moment my eyes adjusted to the darkness I found Riley tied to a chair and beaten to a pulp.

Me:"Riley! Oh god baby, what happened?"

I rushed over dropping down in front of her to begin untying her. She fell forward, moving my arms quickly to catch her as I sat down holding her close.

Me:"Save it babe, hold onto me."

I used my left hand to push myself up to my feet while holding her close. Not caring about the house I rushed out the front door to put Riley into the backseat of the truck. As I climbed into the driver seat I quickly called Ray while starting the engine then backed out of the driveway in a hurry to sped off towards the clubhouse. Ray finally answered my call,

Ray:"Shouldn't you be with your ol' lady?"
Me:"We have a problem. Is Kara still there?"
Ray:"Yea why?"
Me:"I'll be there in a few minutes, I'll explain when I get there. Just have Kara ready."
Me:"Just do it Ray!"

I hung up on him then glanced back at Riley, seeing her face the way it is made me angry. Speeding into the lot of the clubhouse I stopped quickly then shut off the engine and jumped out seeing Ray and Kara rush out of the clubhouse.

Ray:"What the fuck Josh?"

Ignoring him I was quick to open the back door to pick up Riley and turn around.

Kara:"Oh my! Get her inside now!"

Tightening my hold on Riley I walked past Ray going into the clubhouse with Kara right behind me.

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