Dinner With the Guys

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It's finally the weekend and I'm actually excited since Hap will be over for dinner tonight. Josh has been out doing his thing since early this morning, things between him and I have slowly progressed. After we had went grocery shopping the other day we just talked when we got back home. He does seem like a decent guy with that bad boy attitude that I actually find very attractive. I wanted to clean the house today to make it look nice for Haps arrival, once the cleaning was all finished I decided to smoke a cigarette before showering.

As I got dressed I began thinking of what to even cook for dinner, I know Josh isn't picky he'll eat anything. I sat down on the bed to pull on my heels when an idea came to mind. I stood up to make my way into the kitchen, seeing it was already going on 5pm I was quick to take the pack of chicken out of the fridge to begin chopping up. Finally getting the chicken cut up I began grabbing the pans I needed to cook the chicken and the fried rice.

Josh's P.O.V

Walking out of the clubhouse I was quick to climb onto my bike.

Ray:"Leaving early are we Josh?"
Me:"Yup. I have company coming over so I need to get home."
Ray:"Alright, how's things going between you and your new lady?"
Me:"Things have been fine. I gotta go man I'll be here early tomorrow."
Ray:"Alright have fun."

I nodded then started up my bike to begin my journey home. During the ride all I could think about is how much I have in common with Riley. My life was very lonely until she showed up, still believe it is messed up how her and I had to meet but I'm glad we did. Pulling into the driveway to park next to my truck I've loaned to Riley, I shut off the bike then climbed off to head inside. The moment I walked inside I was smacked with a delicious smell that made me smile. Slowly making my way into the kitchen I saw Riley moving around to get things ready,


Riley slightly jumped then turned around to smile at me.

Riley:"Hey, did you just get here?"
Me:"I did, left early. Hap will be bringing two people with him."
Riley:"Do you know who?"
Me:"Chibs and Jax."
Riley:"Oh! Okay that's fine, I'm glad I cooked more then I had planned to."
Me:"Speaking of that, it smells amazing what is it?"
Riley:"Chicken fried rice."
Me:"Sounds good, I guess I'll go get cleaned up."
Riley:"Okay, dinner shouldn't be much longer."

I smiled and nodded but the moment her back was facing me, I walked over to her to place my hands on her sides as I kissed the back of her head.

Me:"Sorry we're not there just yet."

Riley softly laughed so I removed my hands from her sides to leave the kitchen.

Riley's P.O.V

His hands on my sides felt just right but it's not the time. As I was setting the table a loud knock appeared at the front door, I stopped to look up seeing Josh rushing by which made me laugh. Multiple voices came down the hallway then entered the kitchen,

Jax:"You look at home."
Me:"I am. It's good to see you guys."

They smiled as each of them waited for a hug. Once I hugged them all Hap looked right at me,

Happy:"You're not cooking what I think it is?"
Me:"I am, it's just about ready. Go ahead and take a seat it'll be a couple minutes."

I turned my attention back to the stove as the four men sat down at the table. As they spoke to one another I would notice Josh staring at me, I smiled to myself then turned off the stove and move the pan over to the counter. Placing a hand towel under the pan I carried it over to the table to sit in the middle. Before sitting down I grabbed beers for all of us then sat down handing them out.

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