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I wake up the next morning with the bright ass sun shining through my curtains. I had a dream last night about today. Nick came by and told me he didn't like me and never wants to see me again isn't that wild........ mhm

Will that really happen today? Oh I hope not but could it? Yes , yes it fuckin could. I don't think he can be that much of an asshole but never say never right? I'm not sure what time he's coming over , he had trinity tell me he was coming over today but didn't give a time.

A time would be nice , so I can try to prepare myself as much I possibly can before he comes over. I need to prepare myself for all outcomes. If it's a bad one , a good one , a super bad one or a super good one. I need to be ready.

I haven't seen him 2 weeks , feels like forever I'll be honest. I miss him a lot. I miss cuddling and ...... and umm well that's all we really did but it was great and I enjoyed it. I just liked being around him and knowing he was there.

I look to my left as I hear my phone start ringing as it sits on my nightstand.


Haven't talked to the boys in a while , I should answer the phone

"Hi Edwin!"

"Oh my god is that ..... Gen?! I thought you died!"

"Haha very funny" I roll my eyes as I sit up in my bed with the phone still on my ear

"How you been? Anything ..... new or anything you idk would like to tell me"

"Edwin I know you know about me and Nick"

"Oh great , why didn't you tell me? I thought we was besties"

"Sorryyyyyy we just wanted to keep to ourselves or nick did at least"
"But I also know you know what happened"

"I do I do , sorry about that , he's ..... dumb"

I let out a small laugh "it's okay, he's coming by today to talk so we'll see how it goes"

"He loves you , he isn't hurting you on purpose but still he could have talked it out"

"Did he tell you why?"

"Yeah he did , he told us a couple days ago when we found out"

"What's the reason? Tell me , trinity won't"

"I can't , he needs to tell you"

"Ugh come on . You're my bestie bestieeee"

"Mhm besties don't ignore each other Genevieve, but I'm not saying , wait for him"

"Oh fineeeeee" I sigh "is it bad though?"

"Not entirely"

"Trinity said the same thing! No helppp"

"Lmk how it goes , rooting for you and whatever you want to happen"

"Thanks Eddieeee . Love youu"

"Love you to Gen"

(Nick) (3:42pm)

"So what time you going over?" Brandon ask

"Not sure , Maybe I should ask her what time will be good for her"

"You think?" Austin says

"Is 6 a good time?

"Yeah that will work"

"I'm going over around 6" I tuck my phone in my pocket

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