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(A/n ~ this chapter is gonna be short , kinda just a so I can have 20 chapters , so enjoy)

"When were you gonna tell us about You and Gen?" Brandon ask

"Guys seriously"

"Sorry sorry"

"Can't believe you ain't ever kiss her , you're a punk bro not gon lie" Zion shakes his head In almost disappointed

"Zion!" Austin shouts his name

"What?! Not even a kiss? Bro come on!"
"No sex? Dude who are you?!"

"I'm not doing this" I say and walk out the kitchen and upstairs to my bedroom. I'm
Going over Genevieve's house tomorrow. I'm nervous I'll admit okay?

Seeing her and seeing her hurt it's gonna suck.
I know what to say to her I just don't know how I'm gonna say those things , I don't wanna be anymore of a jerk but I feel like anything I say I'll be a jerk for. I didn't do any of this to hurt her even though right now that's exactly what's happening. But I also just don't wanna leave her hanging with no explaining.

Trinity is right , Eve deserves an explanation that's the least I could do for her. I hope she doesn't hate me , I would hate me if I'm being honest but she has every right to. I wouldn't blame her if she did.

And again with the questions going through my mind with no answers

Does she hate me?
Are we gonna try again?
Will we be friends after this?
Should I bring flowers?
What if she hates the flowers if I get them?
Is talking to her even a good idea?
Am I overthinking this?
Do I even know what flowers she likes?

Actually that one i do know , she likes pink carnations but besides that I don't got any more answers to the other questions I've been thinking about since trinity told me that Genevieve is okay with talking to me.

I got till tomorrow to think all this through.
Hopefully I'm ready cause I have to do this.

Nicks coming by tomorrow to talk. Honestly I'm nervous, I don't know what to expect. I don't know what his reasoning behind leaving me will be but I'm scared. What if it's something bad? Like he didn't find me attractive or he lost interest in me OR FOUND SOMEONE ELSE?

Or maybe its something else and maybe he'll wanna get me back?

Will he wanna give us a second chance?
Will I wanna give HIM a second chance?

I don't know ..... what if he gets up and leaves again? Does he deserve a second chance?

I guess I should listen to his reason before I start jumping to conclusions but right now all I know is that he left and really fuckin hurt me. Do I put something not so bummy on? Should I clean up a bit? Yeah actually I should.

What do I wanna say to him? I don't know yet depends on what he has to say and tell me.

He'll be over tomorrow.... nerves are going crazy bro.

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