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(3 days later)
He ended up staying for a couple hours after that. We didn't speak about what happened. We just laid there and watched movies.

I mean it was little awkward. I was horny as fuck. He got me all ready and then stopped. So I had do wait till he left to please myself. But I wanted him to do it so bad. I wanted his dick to make me feel better.

We been texting , he cane over yesterday but it is still a bit awkward. It's like every time he comes over I get left hanging. I don't know what the issue is. He doesn't like doing anything with me except lay around and sleep which is good sometimes but Not every time

He's not good with affection like kiss me boy. I like some random kisses , hug me just touch me. Show me something. To make it even better every time I look in the mirror I have to see this big ass hickey on my neck to remind of what could have been a great night.

He won't even talk to me either. I would like to get things straight and back on track but he's totally not into it. I just can't stop thinking about anything. I'm worried about us. This is not what I thought it would be like.

Anyways trinity wants me to come over later today to see her vanity and just hang out. So what not? I have been totally ditching her for Nick this last month so I do miss just our 1 on 1 sister time. I also just think she needs her nails done lol but I'm down either way.

I got a bunch of new supplies and shit anyways. For now I'm just cleaning my room.

(A couple hours later)
I knock on her front door and it swings open


"Hellooo" she lets me in and we share a hug.

"How are you?"

"I'm doing good , bought my nail stuff"

"Oh good , I need a new set" she takes the bag from me "come look at the vanity"

I follow her upstairs and to the left which leads into her bedroom.

"Look!!" She holds her hands out in front of it

"Holy shit that is cute" I look closer


"And look" she grabs the remote and starts turning the lights different colors

"I need me one of these!" I look at the star lights "let me see"

I grab the remote and put it on pink

"Oh yeah"

"And I was thinking we can just do my nails on here , it's enough light"

"Yeah this would totally work"

So that's what we ended up doing. She didn't want anything crazy so it didn't take as long as usual. Just a Simple baby blue with some jewels, cute and classy bitch.

"Girl you are so good" she says as I do one of her fingers.

"It's hot In here Chile" I say

"Take that damn jacket off"

I take the jacket off and immediately feel cooler. I lay the jacket next to me before going back to her nails.

As I'm doing then she all of a sudden gasp

"What!?" I look up

"What is on your neck?!" She ask


"Bitch is that a hickey?"

I gasp and cover it with my hands making her laugh "girl who is you fucking?!??"

"No oneeee" which isn't a lie , technically I am fuckin no one.

"You're lying , who gave you that?" She says

"Trinity its a bruise!"

"You sound like mom when we were younger , I knew that girl was lying" she shakes her head
"Anyways who gave you it?"

"I really don't wanna talk about this right now!"

"You can tell me anything , you know that"

I wanna tell her but Nick doesn't want people to know about us. Also I'm worried she might flip if she finds out it's nick. She loves nick like a brother but we all know he's not totally the best when it comes to relationships

"Yes but I just want this one to myself"

"Why? I'm not gonna take him!"

"I know that but still , please let it goooooo"

She rolls her "fine but that's one big ass hickey"

"That's the one!" Edwin says as we make some music down in the basement.

"Alright Listen to this one!" Brandon says.

As we listen the room starts to become hot so I take this heavy ass jacket off.

I look up Zion looking at me "what?"

"Who was sucking your neck bro?"

"What?!?" The others look at me

"I know that ain't no big ass hickey!" Austin says

Oh shit!

"It's a bruise" I put my hand over it

"Naw you had some shorty kissing on your neck" Zion laughs

"Shut up" I say

"Naw no shame . You getting that action man!"

Well technically I'm not.....

"So who's the chick?" Edwin ask

"Let it go"

"Fine you wanna keep secrets"

(The next day)

"Hey, can i come over?"

"Yeah , that be greattttt"

Haven't seen him in 2 days. I didn't think he was coming over. He didn't text me all day.
we still haven't talked about anything. I really don't think we will now either.

Maybe only about 20 minutes later is when I hear a knock. "Come in!" I shout. Hope it's nick LMAOO or I just let someone else come in.

"Hey" It is

"Hi" I watch Him walk in and shut the door behind him as I sit on the couch. He comes over and sits next to me. The awkwardness sets
In and I hate it. I know he feels it too.

"How was your day" I break the silence

"Good" dry ass answer

"How was your day?" He ask me


You hypocrite......

"Is everything okay?" I ask him


"Is everything okay with you?"


This is sad

Shut up........

Fall For Me (N.M.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt