~|[ 12: no worries gege he'll "survive"]|~

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xie lian wakes up as he hears the sound of waves and smells the ocean air. he sits up on the bed stretching out his arms as he yawned and got himself dressed and went over to the dresser with a mirror to fix his hair. as he brushes his hair he hears a loud knock on his door "hey your highness are you awake yet?" feng xin asked "i am feng xin! im just fixing up my hair need something?" xie lian asked as he turned to the door "no not much just wanted to tell you theres breakfast" feng xin sighs as he  leans on the wall.  xie lian opens the door and feng xin gets a peek inside "your room is so large!" feng xin exclaimed "that damn hua cheng shoved me and that b#stard mu qing on a bunk bed i had to nearly fight to the death for" he continues complaining as xie lian smile gently with a slightly worried expression "oh thats not good" xie lian responds "yea no sh!t sherlock of course its 'not good' it sucks!" he says with an irritated expression "heheh well we should go eat breakfast right? thats why you woke me up after all heh" xie lian said as he began to walk to the dining room.

the whole way to the dining hall feng xin continued complaining about having to share a room with mu qing. once they arrived in the dining hall they were greeted with the sight of hua cheng and mu qing battling it out. "what did you say to me you son of a b!tch?!" mu qing yelled at hua cheng "f#cking sweeper b!tch! you have no right to make fun of me, much less stand before me here!!!" hua cheng said as his eye glowed with anger "one eyed f#ck!!!" mu qing said as he started to pull out his saber and hua cheng followed in action beginning to pull out his own scimitar "whats going on?!" xie lian and feng xin both said in unison, "this one eyed freak of nature and i got in an argument!" mu qing yelled "no worries  gege me and this peasant were having a 'friendly' argument!" hua cheng responded as his hand was still on the hilt of his scimitar. "h-how did this even happen?! feng xin did you forget to tell me something?" xie lian said with a concerned look "i don't know, they weren't arguing before!" feng xin replies as mu qing and hua cheng look at each other with deathly glares.

 "c-can you two please explain this?!" xie lian asked with worry "ok your highness i can explain what it is that happened here" mu qing says "no i can explain gege he'll twist the story" hua cheng cuts him off "what?! and whats to say you won't!" mu qing countered "i would never dare lie to gege, you on the other hand....well i can't exactly say the same" hua cheng said as he rolled his eyes "what did you say you failed abortion?!!!??!?!?" mu qing says as he grips his saber much tighter "you guys what happened!" xie lian yells "spit it out or ill have to intervene!" feng xxin says as he grips his own sword, "ok look me and this f#cker hua cheng were getting the plates ready-" mu qing says only to be cut off "and then the topic of gege got brought up and i polietly asked that other pea- i mean your other 'friend' to call you-" hua cheng continues for mu qing until mu qing cut back in "then feng xin left and we continued setting up the table and then i asked the reasonable question of when we should return you to your home- or heavenly capital for that matter" mu qing finishes "then i got upset he had the audacity to ask such a question without advising gege, and also attempting to separate me and gege" hua cheng responds and the two go back to their stare down "you two stop it your acting like f#cking idiots can we just f#cking eat god dammit!" feng xin yells "i- for once i can agree with feng xins vulgar language" xie lian says with a sigh.

after a few more threats and glares they calmed down and sat at the table to eat. "so gege is the food good?" hua cheng says with a bright smile as he looks at xie lian happily as xie lian munches down on the tasty food "yes san lang very good!" xie liian responded happily as mu qing glared at hua cheng and feng xin glares at mu qing and hua cheng. the table was mostly silent aside from xie lian starting a conversatioon every once and a while. "so mu qing what did you mean by taking me back to my home- or the heavenly capital?" xie lian questioned "last i rememebr i was banished from that place-twice!" xie lian jokes slightly as he looks at mu qing "oh well its just jun wu was worried for your well being firstly" feng xin responds in mu qings place as mu qing stares daggers at feng xin then with slight anger iin his tone mu qing continued the statement and said "we also had to inform him of you rather.....um curious circumsance at the moment" mu qing said as he gestured to hua cheng and to xie lian "whenn did you go back to inform him and why?" xie lian asked as he finished his meal "well stating that your currently in a human form while there isn't one but two cursed shackles on you is something to be curious about i guess you could say-" feng xin responds calmly as he continues eating until mu qing cuts him off "you were also just roaming around with a pirate for gods sake!" mu qing yells "don't yell at gege hes not deaf and definitely isn't as dumb as you" hua cheng responds to mu qing with a glare "san lang is very nice after all he hasn't actually hurt any of us" xie lian says in an attempt ti defend hua cheng "yet" feng xin adds to xie lians statement "yet".

sorry for late updates i had to skim through the entire story since its been months since i have updated, again apologies for mistakes/bad grammar but thanks for having faith in me and continuing to read this train wreck :D

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