~{11 idk what to name this one~}~

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As the three window shopped and even bought some food and Xie lian grabbed some trinkets he found after a while they decided to start heading back. "That was fun I found many cool things" Xie lian said as he held onto a bag filled with pennies, quarters (very little though) but the bag was mainly filled with trash,scraps and a very extremely small amount of broken jewelry "wow you got a lot of stuff there your highness" Feng xin said looking over at his bag "let's just go back you two and you shouldn't be grabbing everything you find off the floor but it's your life you highness".

They slowly made it back to the ship as feng xin and mu Qing bickered and argued cussing each other out. They finally reached the ship and saw hua cheng waving at them "took you all long enough!" Hua cheng yelled down. They all got on to the boat and set off "so how was your trip Gege?" Hua cheng asked completely ignoring the other two "it was fun I met a guy and I got a lot of cool trinkets" Xie lian responded as he showed his bag to Hua cheng as he personally grabbed and showed it to him "who did you meet?" Hua cheng asked "some guy named bai wuxiang he had a weird mask but it was just a small interaction" Xie lian responded. Hua cheng stood for a moment with his original happy smile fading into a more serious glare "did you say bai wuxiang?" Hua cheng said worriedly "mhm why?" Xie lian replied. Suddenly hua cheng grabbed Xie lians shoulder and asked "did you mention your name to him?!" Xie lian was slightly stunned at the change of mood "yes but I didn't tell anyone else what's wrong?" Hua cheng let go of Xie lian and thought for a moment then said "if you ever come across him avoid him at all cost Gege" Hua cheng said extremely worried "we should head out do what you want I'll explain it later" hua cheng then set off to get the ship ready to go.

After a few hours of the ship moving hua cheng goes back to Xie lian "hey Gege you good?" Hua cheng asks as he leans on the edge of the boats fence "I'm good San Lang but I still don't understand why bai wuxiang so terrible? He seemed nice enough the weirdest part was probably his mask but that's all" Xie lian replied "he's not a very great person in my personal opinion, but he's also a pirate and not a very good one unlike me he'd probably harm you or your serv- friends" hua cheng replied "but there's no need to worry we're good if he was there he's probably still there or at least we can hope Gege" hua cheng said again. "Hmm I mean I'll trust you in this I'm not very informed on these things so it fine" Xie lian smiled "I think I'm going to go rest" he says as he started to turn around to go sleep "ok Gege sleep well" hua cheng said as he continued looking outside.

Xie lian went to his room and fell onto his soft comfortable bed as he wrapped himself in the warm blankets knowing that the second he and hua cheng go their separate ways this'll all be a distant dream he could never achieve alone.

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