no one will know (QSMP)

46 1 4

This is a tubbo and fit story, it was from when they were trying to get cucurucho attention, enjoy!
(Yes I know this is short, but I will write longer ones soon, just school is kicking my ass :3)


Tubbo and fit where sitting in the elevator shaft, tubbo in his spy suit, fit is just fit. They walked around the island knowing that cucurucho is following them. "Fit keep your eyes peeled for him" fit nods as they kept walking "THERE" tubbo yelled taking his camera out to take a photo, but missed him by a second. "Damn" tubbo cursed under is breathe.

Fit sighed "shal we go to the maze? We may find something in there" tubbo kept walking, "let's go then" tubbo started to run. Fit followed yelling "BOSS HE IS BREAKING THE RULES, HE MAKING ME CLEAN UP A BIG MESS!!!" tubbo ran into the maze, seeing bats, and cockroaches. As they ran around more of the mobs kept spawning. "Oh my God, will these stupid shitlens stop" tubbo Mumbled, they heard rumbles outside, almost like "lightning?, don't that have to do with the code?" Tubbo asked fit, fit nods "for the most part yeah" they ran out of the maze, seeing a lot more cockroaches and a lot of lightning strikes, they both ran out as screamed "OKAY" then they stopped. "Tubbo, any plans?" Tubbo nods. "My base, now" tubbo warped over there waiting for fit. "Fit put me in a cobblestone box, but put protection on it, and give me more hearts" fit hurried to get everything, but cucurucho ignored it...

"FIT, LET ME OUT REALLY QUICK" fit nods as he broke two blocks with his pick axe. Tubbo looked up "cucurucho is up there" he took out his camera but missed him, again. "Uh fit, I have alot of books in my inventory and they took my photo album" fit looked surprised. "Well damn tubbo" tubbo was hit on the back of the head, his brown hair with a blonde under flows with the hit, a book dropped as the rest disappeared and the album came back. Tubbo picked it up, and reads it. "He wants me to go to his office"

They walked over to the train station, and on the elevator block to go. "Best of luck tubbo" tubbo nods , and went. "Hello buddy" the white bear looks at tubbo. "Hahaha" tubbo blinks, confused. "Why am I here?" He asked in a concerning tone "yes" tubbo rolled his eyes. When tubbo went to ask a question, but the bear interrupted him. "I hope you enjoy the island" tubbo nods, "I am, but I have some questions" they slowly looked at tubbo. "Where are the eggs?" Tubbo asked in a serious tone. "Classified" tubbo nods, "okay, why did you take my album and get rid of some photos?"



Tubbo sighed, "okay-". Before he could finish, the lil bear stood up and walked away. " I hope you enjoy the island" as he said that they walked into the medicine room. Tubbo sighed, and walked out to see fit. " so big man, what happened? " fit asked excited. " well I asked Questions, kinda got the answer I needed." Tubbo smiled as he went to his new library he just build not that long ago, and went to go look for something. " where did I put that chest?" Tubbo questions himself. After some looking around, he found it. "There we go!" He placed the books he had in there, cellbit already knew about the chest, that's where they put stuff in there for the order.

"this is gonna be good information"

Tubbo [-]
Cellbit [+]
Fit [-]


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