Stiles || • smut/fluff

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His hair is clearly dripping wet, blobs of water falling down onto his shoulders with each step that he takes. The water that falls from the rest of his body to meet the concrete is expected, you pay it no mind, and maybe you would've felt similarly about the droplets from his hair. But Stiles is approaching you with a mischievous grin, one that tells you he's up to no good. It's almost unsettling; mouth turned up at the corners in a thin smile, brown eyes widened. There's just enough humor in the amber orbs for you to know that he's not planning anything too evil, but you're still on edge.

"Stiles..." you warn, legs already shrinking in on yourself, book folding closed with your thumbs in the center to keep your page. He's just a few steps away from you now and up close you can see the tan he's gotten from the pool day. It sits prominently along his shoulders and across his nose, the color standing out against his usual paleness.

He looks good. Especially with his trunks hanging low, clinging to every part of him, summer conditioning for lacrosse treating him well as he has muscles cut into his abdomen, along with a newer definition to his shoulders and arms. He looks good. And you could admire that more if your borderline-evil boyfriend were not standing right beside you, bending down, tilting his head towards you...

The squeal you let out is girly, high pitched, one you would see in a movie and remark about how people don't actually sound like that in real life. Turns out: they do. Usually when water is slinging all over your previously dry body, just barely avoiding the book that you move out of the way just in time.

Stiles laughs, the sound joyous and pretty to your ears. You can't help but echo it, letting go of your book to hit his forearm, barely any malice in the touch.

"Come on, you know I couldn't help myself." His smile is infectious, too. Your faux stern expression that you'd quickly painted onto your face melts into a grin, one that has Stiles leaning down to kiss you this time, a soft kiss that sticks your lips to his even as he tries to pull away. There's a layer of chapstick added to his lips when he comes back in for a second kiss, and a third.

You let him, taking advantage of the loneliness in the Martin backyard.

Lydia went inside a half hour ago to do god knows what, while Scott and Kira went on a run to grab lunch. Which left you and Stiles alone, with a large pool, and an even larger backyard to yourselves.

If it weren't for your lonesome, you wouldn't let Stiles lay between your legs, head on your lower belly while his big eyes looked up at you. The position is innocent, for now at least, but you know Stiles, and you know that even the presence of his friends wouldn't get rid of his one track mind.

His motives start coming to the forefront when his long fingers teasingly pull at the string of your bikini bottoms.

"This suit is nice. Did I tell you that already?" He did. And he knows he did.

You hum, reopening your book to your last page, focusing your attention on the sentences instead of Stiles with hopes of deterring him.

"You did. Multiple times." Once when you asked his opinion as you were buying it, another when you tried it on for him after it came in the mail last week, another when you packed it for the day in front of him, and a final time when you came sauntering out of Lydia's house in it, oiled up and ready to sunbathe.

Still, Stiles plays dumb, brows furrowing in the way that tells you he knows the answer to whatever question is about to slip past his lips. "Did I?"

You roll your eyes, already starting to form a snarky reply, but then his fingertips dip below the thin string of your bottoms, and his lips graze the material at the front, just a few inches above your clit.

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