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A/N : Hello guys i'm sorry for this unexcpected pause but i genuinely thought i've finished this story , this sounds ridiculous but i'm serious . i looked at my drafts and found that i was planning to publish this chapter but i forgot apparently so here you 🤍


« So when is she arriving ? » i asked right after i swallowed my food , my father looked at me and selim and answered

«  Tomorrow , Well their ship has already set off three days ago . they must have been tired from all this trip » My father answered as he explained to me .

The princess of crimea was coming to visit and stay at the same time , since both countries share good relations her country was in danger and we have decided to let her seek refuge here but i didn't know exactly for how many time

« We'll you're going to keep her company very well right ? » Selim asked me and i just nodded with a smile .

« I hope she gets used to me then , i like making friends » my dad immediately agreed and started telling stories about my childhood again .

We've had dinner many times as a family and it warmed my heart , i thought if i get married i'll be snatched away from my family but it's the contrary. Selim never refused coming with me to have dinner with my family and always accompanied me

But dinner for today was over and we had to head home at this point , i've only brought Gevher with me since she missed my mother .

« Mom i will see you very soon alright ? » i kissed my mom goodbye and hugged her and waited for gevher to do so before we exited their house .

My father and Selim were already outside talking and once they saw us they stopped talking , my father said approached me and smiled

«  You're already leaving ? » he patted gevher's hair and she giggled in response

« Trust me grandfather i want to stay but the palace rules are very strict » she whispered which made us all laugh , we bid our goodbyes and headed to the carriage .

We have finally arrived to the palace and we were all tired , so me and gevher headed to the harem .

« Mom i think you should check on Orhan , i think he's not doing that well ». Gevher spoke as we were heading to our rooms .

« Why what's wrong ? don't tell me it's about the fight .. » i sighed as i entered me room and gevher followed me .

« I don't know but he doesn't seem well » my eyes immediately turned towards her and i knew she was being serious and it was not about that fight .

« Why what happened ? »i said ready to go to his room and check on him « You stay i will go see him »i addressed gevher before leaving to see orhan . i entered his room without notice to see what he was up to

« Valide? » he stood up from his desk and walked towards him , he looked normal but still there was definitely something as i could clearly see his puffy eyes .

« What happened ? » i looked at him concerned and just wanted to get something out of him to help , i've never seen him like this .

« I'm scared .. » He answered me before sitting down on his bed , i hated to see my children like this . it felt horrible « I'm not going to become a padisah ever and i don't want to die either » .

Words were trapped in my throat , i didn't know who fed him stuff like this because last thing i wanted him to think about is this .

« Why do you say this ? why do you think like this orhan ? it's too soon to even talk about this »i tried to reassure him but his face didn't signal reassurance at all

« Yes your brother might be older but you never know what can happen , you just focus on being a good prince and show your father that you're hardworking , and about the dying part i will never allow it » his eyes lit up and he immediately hugged me .

« As long as i'm breathing , no one will ever harm you . i've protected you from everyone including myself and i'm not going to let go of that now . They have to kill me before getting to you » i hugged him back and closed my eyes .

I didn't know Orhan was this sensitive , he never showed weakness or concern over that matter but now that he spoke about it , it must've occupied his mind for a long time .

« I see how much you do for us .. and i appreciate you so much mother , i will never let you or my father down i promise »he answered me and i nodded with a smile .

« Now wipe your tears away and get yourself together »i firmly grabbed his shoulders and adviced him . He didn't look away this time , he nodded and sniffed

« Never let anyone see you weak okay ? the only person you can cry to is me . always keep your head high and as i told you » i stood up from my seat « Your brother is no better than you, let that get into your head » he looked at me one last time before i left his room , he had to think about this for a minute .

Tomorrow came and i was already starting it with a bad mood , i didn't know why or how but i was angry with everyone . the princess was supposed to arrive today and i had to set down my mood until she leaves , god know for how many time she's going to stay  .

Selim had summoned me to his room to talk about the details of this visit .

« Everything is set ? i don't want anything missing » He asked me not looking away from his desk , i peeked to see what he was making and it looked like a necklace . he got this hobby from his father so i was not surprised that he was making something

« Yes everything is good , what are you making ? » i said walking closely to his desk and he looked up finally .

« It's a gift for the Princess Monica , how do you find it » he showed me the necklace and i felt a sting in my heart , i shouldn't be jealous she's going to leave anyways .

I shouldn't be jealous .

« It's pretty , i'm sure she will like it » i complimented his work and he seemed satisfied with my answer .

« She's going to stay with us for quite a long time by the way » i looked away clearly annoyed by that , why was she staying anyways ?

He stood up from his seat and put the necklace on a box and put it down on his desk , my eyes followed his every move carefully .

« I hope you get along with her , you're father is also joining us today » he touched my cheek gently and i forced a smile , i already felt uncomfortable with this princess when i didn't even see her .

« Your majesty , sultana » the agha guarding the door came in and spoke

« Princess Monica have arrived »

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