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Just like he promised me , i'm sitting in my room with him and waiting for them to bring them to me .  He was grabbing my hand for support and i just realised how much a small gesture can make me calm down

The door opened and two doctors brought them close to me , they gave the first on to selim and i grabbed the other one .

As it was placed on my arms i could definitely tell they were premature babies but still i could definitely draw the features .

"Is this what you were hiding from me ?" i asked looking at the baby carefully with tears on my eyes , this one was a girl because her blanket was pink .

She was peacefully sleeping and her size was very small , definitely not like a normal baby but she was going to get better i know . it was just a matter of time .

I exchanged turns with selim and he handed me the baby boy who was awake at the time , he stared at me but his eyes were still small i almost couldn't tell where they were .

I felt a beautiful feeling , being able to hold them in my arms felt so amazing and my mother instinct started to kick in .

"Sultana everything's is under control they're all normal and healthy we just need them to stay monitored at least for some weeks" the doctor told me as she tried to take them away .

"Can't they stay for a little more?" i asked not taking my eyes off the baby boy.

"No we can't do that sultana my apologies but you can come see them anytime" i looked over at selim who nodded at me and smiled .

I glanced at them for the last time before they took it away from me , i watched the two of them leave my room and i felt like my heart went with them .

"I'm glad you're feeling better now" selim added and i just stared back at him .

"Honestly i don't even know if i'm fine , all of this just happened because of me" i then recalled me getting stressed and carrying some heavy stuff without thinking twice .

"No no this is the last thing i want you to do , nothing is your fault . plus there's nothing to worry about i promise you everything's going to be fine" he comforted me with a hug which i didn't wanna break from .

" I'll name them once they're finally be able to stay with you , getting twins was the last thing i expected" he laughed at the end and i also smile genuinely .

"Me too i was surprised , i asked for one but you see" i answered as i recalled how they looked like .

" You should now rest , but i'll be staying with you tonight . i want to leave when you feel better" I felt like a child and got all excited because he barely stays here with me .

" Of course" i replied as i got up , he also got up at the same time and realised that his sleepwear was already here , which meant he already planned it .

I also got changed but all of my clothes were not fit anymore , i looked very small in them and that's when i knew i had to go back to my old ones .

I didn't bother brushing my hair tonight so i just let it fall down as it was , i slipped in my bed where selim was already .

The moonlight was projecting in my room which gave it a beautiful look , even when the candles were not lit its light was enough.

I was already falling asleep and my eyes were starting to close slowly but every time i got jumpscared by nothing . i didnt know what was wrong with me , every time i closed my eyes i felt as if something bad was going to happen .

« Is everything okay ? you're not sleeping at all » selim asked and i hurried my face in my hands .

« I have a bad feeling , i feel like something will happen to me every time i close my eyes » his hand searched for mine and he got up slightly .

« It's okay , you've done so much today it's normal for you to feel like this » he was right , maybe i was just tired and i was just hallucinating .

« You're right i think i'm just being paranoid » he moved closer to me and held me close .

It was as if all the bad feelings i had evaporated , he had that kind of comfort i never found anywhere . he was like medicine

𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 | 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now