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my eyes were squeezing shut and open , echoes of so many voices were travelling through each ear , i felt like my body was chained to the surface i was laying on .

i managed to open my eyes fully just to find out i was the only one in my room ?

this was definitely not my room , it was selim's but where was he ? and what exactly happened . before i could ask myself further questions selim came in the room and was delighted once he saw me awake .

« Oh thank god finally » i pushed myself up so i can be able to sit and focus on what he was saying .

« How long have passed ? what happened did i faint ? » he. nodded happily and that was not something someone would be happy about

« Wait are you happy i fainted , i didn't eat anything so it's maybe that » he laughed after hearing my question , i stood up carefully from the bed and waited for him to move but he wouldn't .

« you're hiding something aren't you » i asked right after i was fully stood up , he moved closer and his hand find its way around my waist while the other one on my stomach

i followed his hands carefully and my gaze slowly travelled to his eyes , they were shining so much . as if he saw the best thing in his life

« There's someone in there » my eyes opened widely and my hand flew to my mouth in shock .

« Don't pull that fainting card now » i shook my head three times before letting out a laugh , i was in disbelief.

« I am pregnant » i repeated to myself still not believing that it was true , i was still in shock but then happiness entered my body , as if selim transmitted that energy to me

« We're gonna be parents » i threw my hand around his neck and hugged him tightly , he rubbed my back excitedly before breaking our hug .

« Of course , i can't wait to see you being a mother » i smiled at him but then i remembered that he was going to be a father before me which broke me in two .

that was not going to ruin my happiness .

« What do i do know ? this is all weird to me . i don't even know » i was beginning to be frustrated , i didn't have any knowledge in this .

« Take it easy , it's gonna be okay just take care of your health . no skipping meals » he scolded me like a five year old , i was skipping my meals everyday because i'd either be sleeping or not hungry .

« I won't , is the baby healthy ? i need to talk to the doctor » i asked with so much excitement and he shared the same emotion with me .

« the baby is still growing , you'll have all the time to ask her » i nodded after him , he looked so happy and so was I . this pregnancy came in the right time

Me and selim spent the evening together until it was time for me to go to my room , i was feeling tired .

I immediately went to bed after aynur kept congratulating me , she was so happy for me and i felt that . she was so genuine

« The news are now all around the palace sultana » aynur said as she walked in with a tray of food which she put in front of me .

« I would die to see the sultana's reactions , turhan must be boiling » i answered as i took the tray from her and put it on my lap .

« Soon this room will be filled with another person i can't believe » my eyes scanned the room and already started picturing where the baby would sleep .

« I want to see all of your children sultana , they will be the prettiest » aynur answered back as she looked around the room too .

i started eating while chatting with aynur until i heard the aghas declaring sah sultan's presence .

i really didn't wanna see her , i just wanted to act asleep but she sure knows i am not so i have no choice but to let her in .

I bowed down to her slightly as i invited her in to sit , i dismissed aynur and put my tray aside .

« I heard about it , congratulations » she spoke while she took a comfortable seat and put a leg over the other one .

« Thank you » i simply answered but she didn't see to like my tone so she raised an eyebrow .

« I get it you're quite angry that turhan got pregnant before you but don't worry » a smirk accompanied the end of her sentence and i felt enraged .

« It's not a competition, this pregnancy was not something. dreamed of it just came unexcpected not like turhan who would die to have a child and get power » the smirk didn't leave her face , it encouraged her to say more .

« You're acting all innocent as if you didn't sabotage your sister's marriage » i immediately stood up from my seat in confusion

« What do you mean by that ? » i couldn't believe that akça world them that she was suspecting me .

she made me look like i sabotaged her and married selim just to piss her off which wasn't true .

« Your stupid sister can't keep it down she told me everything , i advise you talk to her and solve your problems between you two » she got up from her seat and walked close to me .

« Congratulations again » her hand rested on my shoulder for couple of seconds before she left .

i felt like i inhaled sand , i felt trapped in my own body . i couldn't believe akça could spread such rumours about me , i prayed no one would believe this because it wasn't true and i was gonna prove it

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