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It's been exactly two weeks since i knew about the truth and that snake left the palace , i've never felt so peaceful until she went .

For the first time i slept peacefully without having my head filled with thoughts and unnecessary drama , me and selim haven't been seeing each other a lot . he has been preparing for his campaign .

Ever since we got married he never went to one but this one was important , after the passing of his mother his mental health downgraded a lot which caused him to not be able to go anywhere .

I wanted to see him today , he's been very busy and i didn't wanna bother him . i left to see him and as soon as i got to the door i was surprised by the view infront of me .

One of the maids had a plate full of three empty bottles , she was getting them out of his room .

"What's that" i asked her and she stopped in her tracks then bowed down to me before looking at the plate she was holding .

" These are bottles of wine your highness" i looked at her confused because there was no way selim would drink all of this .

"Did he ask for this?" she looked down and nodded after me , i was still taken aback by what she said . i dismissed her and before i could enter the room the aghas stopped me

"What do you think you're doing ?" i angrily asked making them both look at each other , what was happening today ?

everyone seems like they're hiding something .

"Your highness , his majesty is busy we can't let you in , these are orders" one of them answered and i could sense from his voice that he was shaking .

"The one you're talking to is the wife of the sultan not some mere slave you got me ? you better open this door or i'll-"

"Or what ?" i turned around to look at the person who spoke , it was turhan standing there with confidence .

" What are you doing here ?" i angrily walked towards her and she didn't seem to go away .

"I sent his majesty a girl yesterday or do you have a problem with that ?" i felt like my whole world crashed i didn't feel my body move until i found myself grabbing her by the forearm firmly

"Do your ears hear what you're saying right now ?" she smirked at me and looked away "I didn't consent to any of this bullshit , who are you to give orders?" i let go of her arm quickly and waited for her answer .

"The orders came from me of course but Sah sultan agreed with me . you're not the one who directs the harem let me remind you , we do not owe you an explanation"

She was right but still they now worked together to ruin my relationship with selim and i wasn't going to let this slide .

" Congrats on being her puppet turhan , if you claim to love selim then you wouldn't do this . you're stupid" my words seemed to get through there because now she frowned and her gaze darkened.

 you're stupid" my words seemed to get through there because now she frowned and her gaze darkened

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she smirked and tried to get on my nerves but i left here there and went back to enter the room . the aghas tried to stop me but by that time i was already in

There they were , a girl awake staring at selim unconscious sleeping , she froze in her place when she saw me .

"Get out of my sight" i yelled at her and she immediately slipped in her clothes and left , i felt like my whole world crashed right there .

I felt like i could kill in that moment , i was so angry . the girl bowed down to me almost falling , she ran towards the door and i was still standing in the middle of the room standing in shock and disbelief .

Selim was not moving but did as soon as i approached the table next his head and willingly dropped a cup on the floor . it was going to spill on my dress but i took a step back

" Care to explain ?" i asked and he was still trying to adjust his eyes to the light , he looked around and finally realised what was happening .

and most importantly realised how pissed i was .

I took a step back and gave him the space to get up , he didn't bother to wear a shirt , he got up and grabbed his head in pain and opened his eyes fully .

"Oh my god" he repeated over again as he saw how messed up the bed was and finally put the pieces together as if he didn't do anything . "This isn't how it looks like" he walked towards me trying to explain .

" Then how does this look like ? a girl in your bed ? Selim my heart is not a toy . you can't do this to me , to us" i poured all of my feelings and he truly seemed sorry , but it didn't matter .

"I know i know we've talked about this before but i promise this won't happen again i don't know what got through me , i've been through a shitty week" i closed my eyes trying to calm myself to not say something horrible .i pushed my hair back , exhaled and spoke .

"This isn't right to me , I'm not a slave selim im your wife do you understand what this means" i grabbed his hand and mine and pointed at the rings we both had and then dropped them .

" I will not tolerate this disrespect towards me selim" my stupid tears were already running down my cheeks but i wiped them very fast .

" I'm so sorry , it happened in a moment but trust me i would never do this again i hate to see you heartbroken" he reached for my face but i couldn't even stand properly . a part of me wanted to hug him and a part of me didn't .

" I never asked for her , you know me . you know i would never choose anyone over you , i just don't know how or why" his genuine expression threw me off guard , but i couldn't i had to digest this first .

" what was done is done now you can't turn back and undo that , you know exactly how much i love you and yet you toyed with my emotions how do you think having another woman with you makes me feel ?" he looked at me deeply trying to apologise but i looked away trying to contain my tears .

" You know exactly how much i love you , i would never do this willingly . Hiranur" he started searching from my eyes and used his hand on my face to make me face him .

"Please just try to understand me , i promise you this will not happen again . i don't know what got into me , i drank too much yesterday" i let out a chuckle and breathed out before i spoke .

"Selim you never drink that much , are you even hearing yourself ? you willingly drank that and willingly slept with her . i'm done with this conversation" his other hand reached for my face and i just couldn't take it anymore .

" I can't stay here any longer" i pushed his hands off my face and walked towards the door , he tried to call me but i didn't turn back .

I felt worthless and betrayed , i immediately locked myself in my room . i didn't cry , i wasn't going to cry

Instead i thought about hurting turhan and sah sultan back .

Hehehe some drama 🥳 i still don't know how much chapters this story will get but it'll probably be just like my other stories , around 50 . Have a good read loves don't forget to vote and comment

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