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After the ordeal at the bakery, Lance still wanted to continue working. It gave him a sense of freedom, and he could spend his money however he wanted and not ask Keith for everything.
But his husband wanted him at home, where he was safe.
"I wish you would stay home."

"But I want to be out and enjoy life."

"I know, but I can't protect you at work."

"It was one time, and the owner has gotten cameras and reinforced windows so they can't be broken so easily."

"Lance." He sighs.

"Keith, trust me."

"I do. It's other alphas that worry me."

"I'll only go out to the picnic table with hunk." He gives big puppy eyes, pleading in the cutest way.
"Not that face."

"Please babe, I wanna keep working."

He covered his eyes, sighing deeply. "I can't say no to that face."

"And that's why I use it." Lance smirks.

"I'll push that pretty little face into the pillows, let's get you to work before that happens." Keith pushed him against the wall gently.
"Um, after work." Lance quickly ducked under his arm and runs to put his shoes on.
"Oh, and when I have enough money saved up, I wanna get a car. I have a permit."

"You'll need to get your license soon."

"I know."

Keith takes Lance to work, still teasing him the whole way there. His hand didn't leave lance's thigh, until he got to the parking lot.
"Okay, I'll see you later." Lance said with a soft voice as he tried to get his legs to stop shaking.

"Have a good day at work." Keith grabs his chin and kissed him softly, lance was going to melt from his gentle touch, he pulls away and stumbled out of the car.
"I love you, bye."

"I love you too, princess." Keith laughs as lance walks in the building.
Then he went to his own job, the hideout where his gang was at.

"So how's business going?"

"Going good boss." Said James.

"Good to hear, I was going to have a deal with someone but I guess they flaked." Keith looks at his phone, irritated at not getting a call back.

"Not a problem, I have lots of people wanting guns. I'm sending shipment tomorrow." Said James.

"What would I do without you?"

"Have a normal life, be with your family." James gives a shrug.
Keith sighs deeply, thoughts running through his head.
"You know I'm right." James continues, "you should stop being a mafia boss and settle down."

"I need to make a living."

"You can do an actual job, one that won't put you or your family in danger."

"What about you?" Keith asked.

"Kinkade and I can't have kids, and we don't want any either. We can run this gang for you."

"You seem to be doing a good job already."

"Thanks. Give it some thought, you're not much of a mafia guy anymore." James laughs.

"I can still kick anyone's ass, including yours." Keith smirks.

"No doubt, but you have lance to think about."

"Yeah, I know."

It was time to pick lance up, Keith sits in the parking lot waiting for him.
Soon he sees his cute husband skipping out the door.
"Hiya baby." Lance sings as he gets in the car.

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