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Keith was woken up by lance and kosmo jumping on him.
"Ugh, what the hell?"

"Good morning sleepy head." Lance sang and kosmo licks Keith's face.

"Okay down boy, good morning." He sits up and rubs the drool off.

"I have breakfast waiting."

"How can I stay in bed when my beautiful husband made breakfast?"
Lance smiles brightly at being called husband and pulls Keith into a hug.
"I love you."

"I love you too."
They go downstairs hand in hand, kosmo raced down and starts munching on his food immediately.
"This looks delicious." Keith licks his lips as he looks at fluffy scrambled eggs, toast with peanut butter and cinnamon sprinkled on, turkey bacon, a banana, and orange juice.
"You're delicious." Lance smirks.

"Don't start first thing in the morning, I'll be late for work." Keith warns.

"You're the owner, you don't have to go in."

"I do though, gotta drop the bank and have a shipment today."

"Ugh fine." Lance stuffs bacon in his mouth, pouting that he couldn't have Keith all to himself. "Maybe I should get a job."


"Maybe I should get a job."


"Because I get bored when you go to work, and we're partners, I shouldn't sit at home while you do all the work." He munched on some bacon, "Oh I could work with hunk at the bakery, I haven't seen him in forever."

"Do whatever makes you happy, I'm perfectly content spoiling you like a princess." Keith smiles softly.

"Don't call me princess unless you're going to fuck me."

"Okay, keep it in your pants, I'm going to work now." He finished his food and put his plate in the sink. Kissing lance on the head before going upstairs to get dressed.
"So mean." Lance says to himself and finished his food.
He met Keith in their room, he was just finishing his belt in the loop and lance whines.
"Not even like a little bit of fun?"

"We both know I can't do that, I'll want to devour you."


"When I get home. Be a good boy and be patient."

"Fine. I'll hit up hunk and see what he's doing."

"Distraction is good." He walks over and pats lance on the head, then kissed him softly, but lance held his waist and deepens the kiss.
"Lance." He groans a warning.

"Mm, more."

Keith pulls away, using all his will power to do so, "you'll get it later."

"Okay, you can do whatever you want to me."
Before Keith lost all composure he goes downstairs and out to the garage. Jumping into his dark red jeep.
"Have a good day at work." Lance calls from the front door as Keith pulls down the driveway.
"You behave yourself." Keith says.

Lance lounged on the couch, texting hunk to see what he was doing.
'Not doing anything at the moment.'

'Heck yeah, let's do something.'

'Okay, I'll call pidge.'

Lance laid waiting, and then hunk was calling him.

"Hey, pidge is on too."

"Hiya, how's the married life?"

"Great. What's up?"

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