Chapter 1

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Carlisle was in his office. It had been a bit of a slow day, so he was taking the opportunity to get paperwork finished and update his patients charts. Just then, his pager went off. He was needed in the ER. He made his way there and found out what room he was needed in.

"What do you have?" Carlisle asked as he walked into the room.

"Teenage girl who was hit by a car." A nurse explained.

"How's the driver?" Carlisle asked.

"Completely fine." The nurse said. "Paramedics said they're the one that called 911. Driver said said the girl jumped in front of the car and didn't have time to stop."

Just then, the girl woke up and freaked out.

"Woah, hey. You're okay." Carlisle said as he tried to calm her down.

"Where am I?" The girl asked.

"You're in the hospital. You were hit by a car." Carlisle explained. "I need you to calm down so we can examine you."

The girl sighed and calmed down while they examined her.

Carlisle couldn't help noticing that the girl looked very malnourished and didn't look well.

"I'm Dr. Cullen." He said. "Can you tell me your name?"

The girl didn't answer.

"Can I ask how old you are?" Carlisle asked.

The girl still didn't answer.

"Are you hurting anywhere?" Carlisle continued, trying to get anything out of the girl.

The girl continued to not say anything.

"I understand if you're scared. That's okay." Carlisle said. "But, we can't help you unless you cooperate with us. We need to know if you're hurting anywhere, so we can treat you."

The girl nodded. "My side." She replied.

"I'm just going to apply a little pressure to see where you're hurting." Carlisle said. The girl just nodded.

As Carlisle examined her side, he noticed her wince when he pressed on certain areas. "Does that hurt in those areas?" He asked. The girl nodded. "We're going to bring you to get some scans done." Carlisle said.

Once again, the girl just nodded. Once they had taken some scans, they brought her up to a room.

"Well, you seem to be pretty lucky." Carlisle said. "Other than a few bruised ribs and a mild concussion, you don't have any serious injuries that might require surgery."

"I wouldn't consider my life lucky." The girl said.

Carlisle looked at her. "Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"I don't care." The girl said.

"Paramedics were told by the driver that you ran in front of the car." Carlisle started.

"What's your question?" The girl asked.

"Did you not see the car coming or did you purposely run in front of the car." Carlisle asked.

The girl was quiet.

Her not answering gave Carlisle the feeling it was the latter.

"Can I ask you another question?" He asked.

"Why don't you just ask your questions instead of asking if you can ask them." The girl snapped.

"Why would you do that?" Carlisle asked.

"I don't know." The girl lied.

"Is there anyone that we can call for you?" Carlisle asked.

The girl shook her head.

Carlisle sighed. He instructed a nurse to bandage her side for her ribs before walking out of the room. He made a quick call and headed towards the psych ward.

"Hey Erin." Carlisle greeted, approaching an office. "I need a psych consult."

"What do you have?" Erin asked.

"Teenage girl that was hit by car. Paramedics were told by the driver that she ran out in front of the car." Carlisle explained. "I have suspicions that she intentionally ran in front of the car."

"Did she say anything?" Erin asked.

"I couldn't get much out of her. She wouldn't even tell me her name and how old she was." Carlisle replied. "What she did say made me suspicious that she did intentionally run in front of the car. And she wouldn't tell me why."

"Does she have any injuries?" Erin asked.

"A mild concussion and a few bruised ribs." Carlisle answered. "Nothing that warrants needing surgery."

"Any parents?" Erin asked.

"She wouldn't tell me, so I called CPS." Carlisle continued. "I was asking if you had time to talk to her. See if she would open up to you."

"Yeah, I have a little bit of time." Erin said. "I'll be down to the ER in a minute."

"Thank you." Carlisle said "I'll let her know."

He went back to the ER to let the girl know, which didn't go over very well. The girl freaked out about it.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay." Carlisle assured her. "The other doctor is just going to talk to you."

"No!" The girl said. "I don't want to!"

"Okay. Okay." Carlisle said. "How about I get you something to eat and you try getting some sleep."

The girl just nodded and Carlisle walked out of the room. He saw Dr. Andrews approaching the door.

"Actually, now is not a good time to go in there." Carlisle said, stopping her.

"But, you just asked me for a consult." Erin said.

"I know, but when I let her know, she freaked out." Carlisle replied. "I'm going to let her get some sleep and see if tomorrow is any better."

Erin nodded.

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