~ The one where you ignore everyone

Start from the beginning

'Are we not concerned about the fact that she is on her eighth book?' Taehyung asks.

Met with 2 serious faces he decides to forget the question he earlier asked.

Hobi took it as a sign to pick up his phone and walk outside to call the last person you would want to see right now.

With no response on the first dial he decides to message him

Unknown pov:

You are busy finishing the last few codes for the new mobile game that your own company is going to launch. In a few months there will be another famous game that you created. Last year your games started to get really famous and even let you start your own company. Ever since then you have been making games. An unknown number calls you. Intrigued, you don't answer. If it's important you will be called again. You are disturbed again when you hear your phone beep.

Unknown number*: It's me, Hobi. I know we haven't talked in about 2 years but this is important. She is walking around like a dead zombie and whatever we do nothing gets her out of her trans. It's been 3 days and she still hasn't eaten anything. She won't talk and her eyes are bloodshot. Naza and I don't know what to do. Can you please help us?! You don't have to come if you don't want to. You can text me and I will try it. You are our only chance. We are desperate.

It must be urgent, you think. Last time you saw Hobi was when he declared that he chose her above you. It's been 2 years and now when he needs your help he texts you. You nibble on your lip and think what your next move is going to be. You hated to choose your ex over her but you were foolish and in the trans of a girl actually liking you.

A month after you left her for your girlfriend she cheated on you with a bartender at a club. She blamed the alcohol and said she would never do anything like that. Heartbroken, you decided to give her another chance. The day after you found out, you saw a text of a few guys texting her asking if their date was still planned. Disgusted you left her apartment and blocked her everywhere. She didn't even try to explain what happened. Till this day you haven't spoken to your ex.

Afterwards you tried to contact your bestfriend a few times and you eventually acknowledged that you made the biggest mistake in his life and had to live with it for the rest of your life. It would be very urgent if he tried to contact you again, you think.

'Fuck it.' You mumble.

Me: Address?

Hobi: ********** apartment number ***

You put your stuff in your bag and walk to your car. Putting the address on your car you see that it's about 20 minutes from your work. That means that she probably lives 10 minutes away from you. He has lived 10 minutes away from you and has never seen you. What a shame, he thinks.

'Let's go...' He mumbles before he rides to your home.

He was stupid to even make a decision. Someone whom he met for just a month couldn't have such a say in his life. A friend, a true friend who would be there for him whenever he needed was thrown away. The feeling of being thrown away must've been unimaginable.

Greeted by the doorman, he is happy that you live in a nice apartment. He wished you a happy life even though he wasn't going to be a part of it. Hopes he can be a part of it now. Hopes he can catch up with the last 2 years you've lived without him.  Looking at the signs to see on which floor you live he presses on the button you live till you the elevator comes to a stop.

Taking a deep breath you knocked on the door. Met with silence, you knock for a second time. Slowly the door opens and Naza comes into his eyeframe. She smiles at you and you return one back. You want to take a step forward when she closes the door and walks inside the lobby with you.

'She hasn't eaten anything in 3 days. 'Hobi just made her food and we put it at the kitchen table. Please make her eat something.' Naza beggs.

'Also you look grown...' She states.

'Don't try to flatter me, we both know that the only reason for you to talk to me is because of her.' You say.

She nods and opens the door. Hobi and 2 other guys stand across from you. You give them a smile.  Looking left and right they gesture you to a door at the other side of her living room.

The curtains are closed and she is under her blanket. You spot the unopened water bottle. He doesn't know if you have changed but still hopes he will get you mad just like old times. The only emotion he knows he can trigger is your anger. Sighing he takes the water bottle and takes the cap off.

The next few seconds are spent by him tugging your blanket off your body and emptying the water on your face and body.

'What the fuck!' You screams.

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