𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚘𝚗𝚎

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The music is booming as we reach Sass Cafe, we decided for a change of environment - let's be honest, the last time we went to Jimmy'z it didn't end too well.

I am nervous, I'm nervous to see everyone after what happened last time. I'm really hoping Carlos won't be there, I checked his Instagram to see where he was and it looks as if he is still in Spain - but who knows.

I'm approaching the door with Raegan and Lando, we skip the queue as usual - the security doesn't even question us when we are with Lando, they just move aside and let us in. I give Raegan's arm a quick squeeze, and give her a friendly smile as we walk in, reassuring her that it is okay and I am there for her.

As soon as we enter, Lando walks off towards the others. I notice it is slightly weird, he is usually stuck to Raegan like they are conjoined twins, so it is strange that he leaves her at the sight of his friends. I feel her tense up a bit when he walks off so I grab her attention.

"What are you feeling tonight my sunshine? Wine, cocktails, shots, champagne?" I give her the option to decide what type of night to give her something to occupy her thoughts.

"All of the above?" she grumbles.

I roll my eyes at her, "come on, you want to feel semi-human in the morning, mixing is not a good idea... believe me, I know it! Let's go for wine... but wash it down with some tequila."

She laughs, there is my best friend. And we walk up to the bar to order two wines, and four shots of tequila.

Once we are finished we walk over to the private area where our friends are all sat.

I sit down with Raegan next to Carmen, who is just watching Lando and George play fight like the mature grown men that they are.

"Hey lovely! Good summer?" I ask her.

"Oh amazing! We spent lots of time with our families, G and I had some time together and did some water sports and it was just so great. It's nice to be back here though, and good to see you doing so well." I hate when people tell me I'm doing well like my cat died or something. I went through a breakup, that is all.

"Where is Kelly?" asks Raegan, having finished her first wine already.

"They're still on holiday with Penelope," says Carmen to her. Raegan grunts and walks back to the bar, seemingly to get another drink. "How was your summer?" Carmen asks me.

"Yeah it's been alright so far, I've just been working. I saw Charles the other day, we kind of made friends I guess, no more hating each other!" I let out a half laugh, but feel butterflies in my stomach at the mention of his name... what is this.

"Oh talk of the devil, here he is," remarks Carmen.

I turn around and I see him walk in, wearing a white top and a black blazer, looking just as tanned as when I saw him the other day. His hair is neatly messy, you know? He is looking good, and oh my god am I really thinking this or is this just the tequila talking.

He walks over to the group and starts greeting those that are in our entourage, before heading over to the table where Carmen and I are sat, I stand up to greet him but as I do it feels like the club goes still, everyone around us stops what they are doing and looks over in my direction. Are they expecting me to cause a scene, or? I don't know.

"Hi Liana, nice to see you again." he gives me a small smile, and leans in for a kiss on each cheek.

"Hi Charles," I smile back at him.

With that, everyone cheers, well now I'm embarrassed.

George has walked over and has his arm round Carmen's shoulder, and his other arm around Fernando Alonso - very strange, I have never met Fernando before and have never seen him hanging out with George of all people. My mum would freak out if she knew I was in a club with Fernando, she is a big fan.

𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙘𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 - Charles Leclerc (CL16) [Book 1]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum