Saving Stone Canyon

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Gabriel Van Hellsing stepped out of the limo, carrying yet another sacrifice over his shoulder. This time it was one of his own allies, it was adam Park . He was chosen out of simple convenience.

As he began to make the relatively short trip down to the shoreline, the his driver did something he had never done previously: he called out to Van Hellsing.

"I'm not doing this anymore."

Gabriel stopped in his tracks, not sure if he had just heard what he thought he heard. He turned back to look at the car.


"I'm not going to play along any longer."

Embers of anger started to flicker within Gabriel. He let go of the unconscious Pyg. The man fell to the sand as Van Hellsing  marched back up to where the driver sat.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me the first time! I'm not continuing to be a party to whatever sick things you're doing down here!"

Van Hellsing was furious. He got into the passenger's seat and grabbed the driver by the collar of his shirt.

"Listen here! I am the mayor and I comma-"

"You're not the mayor, you're a psychopath!"

The driver shoved him off of the seat and out of the limo. Gabriel fell and landed face-first on the ground. The beach's sand cushioned the impact, but it did nothing to prevent his ego from being bruised. He rose back to his feet, spitting sand from his mouth.

"How dare you! Disobey me-,

"I really don't give a damn anymore about following your orders. And once I go back into town and tell the people exactly what you've been up to here, neither will they."

"You can't just-"

"I can, and I will. Now piss off."

The driver started the limo and headed back to town.

"I'll have your head for this, do you hear me?! I'll have your damned head!"

If the driver was still close enough to hear Van Hellsing's threats, he didn't seem to care; he made no effort to stop the car.

Gabriel turned back to the man he had left lying on the ground and bent down to grab one of his arms, swearing under his breath all the while. Then, he started dragging him across the sand, down to the sea.

Once he was done here, he was going to deal with that insubordinate driver of his.

Gabriel heard the familiar splash of water as the deep one came up from under the waves. When he saw it, he gestured to the body he still grasped.

"Here, I have another one for you. Just give me my gold, I'm in a bit of a hurry tonight."

"Don't need it."

"You don't...need it? What does that mean?"

"Im done with you."

"What?! We had an agreement! I give you victims, you give me gold and help me kill the Vampire Queen! That's how it works, and that's how it's going to stay!"

Gabriel grunted as he picked up the man in his arms and shoved him at the deep one.

"Here, take it! Now give me what's rightfully mine!"

The deep one  took the unconscious Adam in one hand, and tossed him aside like he weighed nothing.

"No more gold for you. The deal is off"

The deep one started to walk closer to Gabriel, his silhouette against the moonlight. He was always nervous around the fish man, but now that it was actually approaching him, he started backing away in apprehension. But as he did, he bumped into something behind him.

He turned around, and his heart skipped a beat as he saw the Holy Orderjust visible in the surrounding darkness.

"You are just in time for the final ceremony."

The high priest's voice was somehow even deeper and harsher than it had been before.

" ceremony? What's going on here?"

"Don't feel so bad. You have been an invaluable servant, and our vision would not have been possible without you. But I'm afraid you have outlived your usefulness."

Gabriel's eyes were wide with fright. In desperation, he ran forward and managed to push past the group, then sprinted as fast as the soft, grainy beach would allow. " B-b-b but the Vampire Queen"

Any dreams of escape were quickly snuffed out as he felt a large hand seize him by his ankle, tripping him.


But his pleas for mercy went unheard. There was no one else around, just the former monster hunter and the aquatic horrors that surrounded him.

Stone Canyon had become one large bloodbath.

No one in Stone Canyon had ever seen anything like it:  fish-people, sprinting with inhuman speed through the streets of Stone Canyon, chasing down their human prey and slaughtering them on the spot with grim efficiency. By the time Stone Canyon's police force had discovered what was going on and had properly assembled, many citizens were already dead and they soon found themselves overwhelmed by sheer numbers, this was something that normally happened in Angel Grove.

There was nowhere left for him to run now; he was surrounded on all sides. In desperation, Commissioner Rocky DeSantos  reached to his side for the last weapon he had left: his combat knife.

"Come on, you fish bastards! Come on!"

Eight rushed at him. Rocky wasn't able to kill even one of them. His knife was swiped aside, skittering across the ground uselessly before they forced him down to the hard ground.

Right before the Deep ones were about to pull him apart, they stopped and looked back to the ocean. Rocky resigned himself to his fate. He shut his eyes and thought of that day he had spent with his late wife in Blue Harbor, almost twenty years before. That was the vision he wanted to have in his head, before he died.

the deep one brought his claws down on him. However Rocky never felt the impact, he opened his eyes to see the trident had been stopped by Kiva. The Deep one's cold eyes stared at the masked rider, even after he was launched back into the ocean, his eyes never broke contact. It didn't take long for Kiva, Emma, Zen, Rey and Merrick to push the Deep one's back, saving who was left in the city.

A couple of days later Gabriel Van Hellsing's body was found on the beach where he last was, mourned by his daughter and son. And a month later Adam Park was the new Mayor of Stone Canyon and had immediately reestablished connections with Angel Grove.

Darcy, Emma, Zen, Rey and Merrick were sitting in the lounge area of castle Doran watching the news report on the two cities reunion " Do you think we will see these deep ones again?" Emma asked " Of course " Rey answered " He's going to want revenge for us defeating him i expect " Darcy said not really seeming like she cared at all. Merrick sat back in his chair and took a swig of his beer.

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