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The sun was beginning to rise over San Angeles and the early morning rays reflected off the sea. Linking the city of San Angeles to the nearby Summer Cove was a suspension bridge with reddish brown support beams. The bridge provided a vital link between the two cities. A yellow jeep crossing the bridge and entering San Angeles. At the wheel was Taylor Earnhardt, she was exhausted after driving all day and night from Washington state. She was surprised to have slipped across two state borders to enter California unchallenged. Whatever tactics Eric had employed to keep the Air Force off her back had clearly worked.

Taylor stretched across to the empty passenger seat and grabbed her Growl Phone. Flipping it open she immediately got hold of the correct person, "Alyssa it's me, I'm entering San Angeles".

"What the hell did you do Taylor?" Alyssa began, "I had Cole call me last night asking where you were".

"Did you tell him?" came the terse response.

"Of course I didn't", Alyssa snorted, "please tell me you didn't go AWOL to help Zen out".

Taylor sighed, "Alright I won't tell you", she yawned loudly, "we can talk about this later, right now I need a shower and a change of clothes. Then we can go and help our friends".

"Fine", Alyssa said bluntly, "but we're going to talk about this later", with that, she terminated the call. Taylor snapped her phone shut and tossed it angrily onto the passenger seat. Keeping one hand on the wheel, she ran her other hand through her blonde hair in frustration. She wished that the Orgs could just stay dead, if they had then they wouldn't have this problem. They would also be fine if their relationship with their supposed team leader wasn't so strained. Realising her difficulties with Cole would have to be put aside for now, she continued into the city to try and find Alyssa's hotel.

Later that afternoon Zen had joined Merrick in the back yard. The grass was beginning to grow back.

"When's Alyssa supposed to be coming?" Zen asked.

"Any moment", Merrick replied, he looked over at the entrance and saw Alyssa walking towards them. With them was a tall blonde woman dressed in a pair of black pants tucked into some calf length boots. She also wore a yellow blouse that was open slightly, revealing a white top underneath. Her hair was slightly damp, indicating that she had only just washed it.

"Hello everyone", Alyssa greeted the duo, "Hello" Taylor said with a tight smile, "Still not one for conversation", Alyssa joked.

"I just haven't had enough coffee", Taylor grunted and glanced over the Duo, " So Shayla says there's a Org Egg in this location", Alyssa added, "that could be what's hunting you".

Taylor snorted, "You didn't call jungle boy", she glanced at her team mate, "that's interesting".

"I can't see Any ranger villain wanting to share power with anyone", Merrick began, "there must be more to it than that".

"We'll never know unless we find the Egg", Alyssa stated, "

According to the information Shayla  had given them, they knew the Org Egg was somewhere in the forest and the mountainside. The forest was vast so the two groups would tackle the search from two different directions, "How will you know when we've found the Egg?" Zen asked Alyssa.

The white ranger held up her morpher, "Our Growl Phones are designed to detect when an enemy Org is close by. They're not powerful enough to scan large areas though, hence the foot search".

The quartet continued searching for another fifteen minutes without any joy and still not a word had been uttered. Taylor gave her fellow white ranger a half smile, The group walked a little deeper into the forest until they came to a small area free of any trees. Sitting in the middle of that space was a large, uneven stone with what looked like claw marks scratched on to the surface, "This is it", Zen asked in bemusement, "I was expecting something a little grander".

"This is real life", Taylor commented, "there's no big X marking the spot".

She began digging into the dirt with her bare hands but Merrick stopped her, "Let me help you with that". Taylor stood up as Merrick slammed the ground, showering the rest of the group with dirt. Taylor grumbled and kicked the dirt off her boots as Merrick stood there with large egg in his hands. The egg was pale white with a few orange and purple spots and was easily the size of a football, "Freaky egg", Zen commented and Merrick handed it over to Taylor, "you'd make quite a few omelettes out of this thing".

"Doesn't work like that" Taylor inspected the egg a little closer, "we need to neutralise this as soon as possible".

To their shock the roots of the trees shot out from the ground and knocked the group off their feet. The Org Egg flew out of Taylor's hands and looped high into the air. It began to fall back to Earth when the same tree roots that attacked them careful caught the egg and gently lowered it down. When it was nearly back in the dirt, a pair of black gloved hands plucked it off the roots, "Marah?" Dayu gasped, "what are you doing?"

"Completing my plan", she chuckled, "I so knew it would work but Kapri wouldn't believe me."

Marah appeared to show some remorse but that soon changed into a smug grin. Seconds later her body stiffened as she was struck from behind. The egg and Marah collapsed to the ground.

Marah struggled to reach the fallen egg. She was about to grab it when someone placed their foot on the egg, "I'm sorry I can't let you have this". Marah looked up and gazed straight into the eyes of Merrick, "You don't know what forces you're dealing with", he added.

"You don't understand", Marah began, "I need to do this". Before Merrick could register what was happening, Marah threw a small ball of energy that hit him in the chest. It wasn't a powerful blast but it was enough to force Merrick to stagger backwards. Marah quickly crawled over to the egg, fell on it and teleported away. However just as she was teleporting away, Zen knocked the egg from her grip.

"Bye Felicia " Zen said.

Merrick morphed, charged his lunar cue at the egg and fired, the egg exploded in spectacular fashion. It resembled fireworks.

" Well that's definitely a fuck you" Taylor said as she watched the explosion,

" Yea well we did what we came for" Zen said, noticing Alyssa's weird look, 'What?"

" She hasn't seen you as female Zen" Merrick replied

" Zen as in Zen Aku?" Alyssa asked, " That's Zen Aku"

" In the flesh blondie " Zen replied,

" Why is the Duke Org female?" Alyssa asked

" Better to blend in with" Merrick said

" Awww uncle Merrick you do care " Zen replied

" Uncle Merrick?" Taylor and Alyssa snorted.

" We're leaving" Merrick said, and with that the lunar ranger walked away, The three girls quickly following behind. They still didn't know what had attacked Zen but with the Org egg destroyed they hoped it was over.

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