part-7 A Proposal to Remember

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Jimin and Minji's hearts soared with happiness as they embraced, surrounded by their cheering and applauding bandmates. The engagement ring sparkled on Minji's finger, a symbol of their love and the promise of a lifetime together.

Tears of joy streamed down Minji's face as she held Jimin close. "Jimin, I can't believe this is happening. I love you so much."

Jimin pressed a loving kiss to her forehead. "I love you too, Minji. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

The other BTS members, still smiling and clapping, approached the newly engaged couple, offering their heartfelt congratulations and well wishes. Taehyung, with his characteristic enthusiasm, hugged them both tightly, his eyes shining with happiness.

Jungkook, always the romantic at heart, looked at them with admiration. "You guys are going to have an amazing journey together."

Yoongi, who had initially stumbled upon their picnic, grinned. "Congratulations, you two. May your love shine brighter with each passing day."

Hoseok, known for his cheerful spirit, couldn't contain his excitement. "I can't wait to be part of your wedding!"

Namjoon, the wise leader, spoke with sincerity. "Jimin, Minji, your love story is a testament to the power of love and commitment. We're all thrilled for you."

Jin, who had orchestrated the surprise proposal, chuckled. "I knew interrupting your picnic was the right choice."

Jimin and Minji exchanged affectionate smiles as they thanked their bandmates for their support and love. The park had transformed from a place of solitude into a backdrop for a momentous occasion they would cherish forever.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the park, Jimin and Minji's engagement marked the beginning of a new chapter in their love story. Their bandmates had played a pivotal role in this unexpected turn of events, turning what was meant to be a day of solitude into a day filled with love and celebration.

As they walked back to their apartment, hand in hand, Jimin and Minji couldn't stop smiling. Their private day had indeed been disrupted, but in the most beautiful and meaningful way possible. They knew that their love had been tested and strengthened throughout their journey, and now they were on the path to marriage.

Their love was a treasure, a love that had started with a bet but had become the greatest adventure of their lives. With the support of their bandmates and the promise of a future together, Jimin and Minji's love story was destined to shine even brighter in the years to come.


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