Part 6 - Captured Bird

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*Heads up. I'll be skipping the Thriller Bark arc. I just find it not too interesting and I'm skipping to after they leave. From here, the plot will be slightly different. Well, because Blue is different. Thank you all~*
"When captured birds grow wiser, they try to open the cage with their beaks, because they want to fly again ."
They left Thriller Bark, adding Brook to their crew. It would be a while until they reached Saboady Archipelago. That morning, Zoro woke her up. "Zoro-" He covered her mouth, motioning for her to follow him. He lead her to the Crow's nest as locked the door. "Blue I'm so sorry-" "What is it?" "Don't freak out okay?" "Zoro, tell me now." Zoro sighed, "Look at the newspaper." Blue took the newspaper out of his hands, looking at the title. Her eyes widened and she bit her lip hard to prevent herself from screaming, resulting in a trickle of blood. "What will you do?" Zoro asked, knowing he couldn't stop her. Blue read the newspaper about Ace. How he had been captured and how he was in Impel Down waiting for execution. "I'll fly. I'll use my flame wings. Don't tell Luffy a thing, or I'll kill you, got it?" She said sternly. He nodded. To his surprise, she hugged him, crying. "Thank you for telling me." She whispered, and then she was gone.
Blue easily made her way to Impel Down by using Flame Commandment Wings of a Phoenix. To get through a gate, she used her powers to hide herself on a Marine ship. Blue carried a small bag with her. She knew that Ace would be under fed. She also bought medical supplies, there was no way they had healed him. No way. With her powers to become like a ghost, invisible and walk through walls, she used the elevator to head to where Ace was. The hidden level of Impel Down. She knew where he would be. The biggest cell there, the last prisoner who had been their was The Pirate King.
She used her ghost powers to get through his cell.
"Who's there?" Ace said weakly.
Returning to normal once inside, Blue fell to the floor in front of her love.
"Blue, what are you-"
"Ace you idiot!" Blue yelled, tears falling down her cheeks, "You promised me! You promised me you would be fine! You said you would come back to me!"
"Blue, wait-"
"No, fuck you, Ace! I'm not letting your sorry ass die here! Don't you get it!? I love you, Ace. I can't lose you, please!"
She crawled into his lap and cried. Seeing her boyfriend, now soon to be husband, so hurt and helpless, it killed her inside.
Ace started crying too.
He couldn't even comfort and hold his own girlfriend, his bride, because he was shackled to the wall.
Blue looked up at Ace, tears falling down her face.
Ace leaned in to kiss her, but she shook her head.

I'm pregnant."

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