Chapter 15

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“The goal of this project is to broaden your view on the many cultures and lifestyles that are different from your own. Although this island is very diverse, the capital is quite homogenous.” 

Sanji watched as Nami read the instructions for their group project. He found himself unable to pay attention to anything, but her beauty. 

He envied the way her dark brown eyes scanned the paper, wishing she would look at him like that. As she tucked a strand of orange hair behind her ear, his eyes followed her every move. He was grateful to be here in this moment, and was confident that nothing could ruin the evening they would spend together.

“Okay this is seriously boring. I doubt we even need all of these instructions.” The green ape argued beside him.

Sanji winced as he felt an ache in his heart.

‘Oh yeah. Mosshead is here.’ He could sense his pleasant thoughts leaving, and violent ones replacing them.

But before Sanji could threaten the obnoxious brute beside him-

“As I thought. You really do have the attention span of a toddler, huh?” Nami laughed as she patronized the green haired boy.

Sanji laughed aloud, as Zoro rolled his eyes, and Nami returned to reading.

‘There’s just something about her…’ Sanji’s thoughts wandered as he continued to admire her.

Sure, he’s said that about girls before but Nami-san? She was just… unique in every way.

Not only was she a beauty, but also strong-willed and intelligent. 

He felt that she was far too good for him, but despite that, Sanji didn’t want to give up.

“I guess that explains what we need for the project.” Nami concluded, as she folded the paper instructions. “It says our group was assigned Mink Territory. Where should we start?”

“Let’s do some research!” Sanji chimed in. Nami’s a smart girl. She had the second highest gpa of her class last year, so Sanji could not slack on this project. He had to impress her. “Instead of only getting books at the library, what if we interview the locals and get an up to date perspective on the agriculture of Mink territory?”

She blinked at his words. “That’s… actually a great idea.” ” She reached out to fist-bump him. “Nice job Sanji-kun!”

Sanji blushed as his fist connected with hers.

“Mink territory huh?” Zoro mused. So the moss head was still listening? Sanji hoped he would have fallen asleep or gotten lost by now.

“We need to decide when we’re going to interview the Minks.” Nami reminded, her pencil twirling between fingers. “The project is due next Friday.”

“The day after tomorrow?” Sanji suggested. He wanted to see Nami tomorrow, but had a double shift at the Baratie. Sunday would be better.

“Works for me.” Zoro absentmindedly agreed. “I was actually over there the other day.”

“Eh really? Why?” Nami enquired, causing Sanji to be slightly annoyed. 

“Secret.” Zoro muttered. “Are we done here?” 

Nami-san sighed and rolled her beautiful eyes. “I guess. We still have to get a few books.”

“I’ll let you guys do that.” The mosshead stood up and stretched. “I’ve got something to do.”

“Do you even know what it means to be a team?!” Nami reprimanded.

“I mean I wouldn’t mind if it was just you and me Nami-san!” Sanji chimed in, flipping through his notebook. 

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