Chapter 5

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Ace has never really trusted Nami. At all. So when she came to him with a plan to win Vivi back, he couldn't help but be skeptical. However, she had already forced her way into his house, so he had no choice but to listen.

"Okay, Ace" Nami began. "Now what you need to do is....nothing."

"Uh what?" He really didn't know what she was going on about.

"Just listen!" She punched the kitchen table and continued. "One of the reasons why Vivi doesn't want you anymore is because you're a loser!"

"This isn't helping..." Ace muttered.

"You begging for her love, or trying to become friends again is pitiful to her."

She really had no filter.

"So anything you do at this point will only make it worse. Therefore, you do nothing!" She concluded.

"Okay....then how am I supposed to win her back?" Ace asked slowly.

"Instead of telling her that you're worthy of her, show her! Make you're life so amazing, that she'll want to get to know you again."

"There's no way to show her tho....I'm pretty sure she blocked me on instagram..."

"Just trust me okay! I already took care of that!" She started raising her voice. "Just do your best to evolve, and eventually, she'll fall for you again."

"Okay fine...." He had no idea if her plan would work. Vivi already has her life together and is self-sufficient. She wouldn't care what he's up to. But at this point, trusting Nami was his only option.

Before he could say anything else, he heard the front door swing open. The sound of Luffy and Usopp's tone deaf singing filled the house and Ace rolled his eyes.

'Oh yeah. It's Friday....' Ace thought. "I guess it's time for you to get home, eh Nami?" But when be turned to look at her, she was already gone. "Huh?"

"Hey Nami! What are you doing here?!" Ace heard Luffy yelling from the other room.

"This is where I take my leave...." Ace got up from the kitchen table, and headed up stairs. Hopefully they wouldn't get too loud.


"DUDE STOP SPAMMING!!" Usopp yelled as they played Super Smash Bro's. Luffy had a habit of endlessly spamming Diddy Kong's peanut gun and Usopp couldn't get Duck Hunt away. As soon as he did, however, Nami used Pikachu's thunder to knock him out of the stage.

"GUYS SERIOUSLY?!?!?!" Usopp was pretty serious about Smash, and hated spamming and tag teaming.

"Nice Luffy!" Nami said as she gave Luffy a high five.

"I guess we're just better than you Usopp!" Luffy teased him, while laughing.

"AGH!!!" Usopp exclaimed once more.

"Will you guys shut up?!" An angry Ace called from upstairs.

Usopp sighed as he stood up and stretched. "Let's do something else."

"Eh?! But this is fun! And I'm winning!" Nami whined.

"Yeah I'm getting bored too. Let's go on an adventure!" Luffy suggested and Nami was a little confused.

"Where would we even go?" She asked them as they walked towards the front door.

"We'll figure it out." He told her as he turned around and smiled.

She smiled in return. "Okay!" This could be fun.


On the other side of town, Zoro sat in his room and stared at his phone. He had been thinking about why he couldn't just talk to the girl at the library. He could talk to Perona and other girls just fine. But the more he thought about it, he realized he could never talk to them 'politely'. And for some reason he really didn't want to scare the cyan haired girl off.

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