- Chapter 6 - Another fun Night for the Girls w/ More Ballbusting

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Lucy didn't speak about what happened for a while, but soon she had to talk.  She and the girls had so much fun with the last ballbusting party, that they had all decided to have another one, and of course, being the only guy around, with a big cock and big balls, and willing to let them bust them, I was again being considered to be the "ballbustee"!  

I heard her coming down the hallway, as I was laying on my bed, relaxing, when a knock came on my door, and Lucy broke into the room.  "Hey bro, we have to talk."

"Oh?" I returned looking up from my book.  "What is it this time?"  I was rather curt with her as it seemed that the only thing that she was ever excited about anymore, was the subject of me standing spread legged, so she could smash my balls against my pelvic bone with her foot.  Or something like that.  I moaned as I looked at her.  "What do you want this time sis?  To castrate me?"

"Don't give me ideas Robert.  You know better than to give me ideas like that,"  she said with a slight grin.  "But no.  I don't want you to lose your balls.  If You did, I would never be able to bust them again."

"Very true Luc...." I returned slowly.  "So what is it You want this time?"

"Well," she started with a pause.  "The girls have been telling their friends about the ball busting party we had, and .....uh.....' she paused looking for the words to say.

"Spit it out sis."

"Well, there are about ten girls now who want to bust your balls."  started Lucy.  "They want me to host another ballbusting party, with You as the owner of the balls to be busted."

"Do you girls realize how much pain that involves?"  I asked as she shook her head.

"I don't have balls bro.  So no, I don't know, but I know it is sure fun to kick and squeeze them."

I moaned and started wondering what the hell I was thinking.  "Sis, you know the rules of this.  They can't cause permanent damage to my balls."

"I know Rob."  she said matter of factly.  "I have already told them that there can be no damage to them.  And two of the girls that were involved last time that are professionals at ballbusting, and they have told the other girls that they don't have to even get close to rupturing them to get the desired effect of absolute agony for you.."

"Oh Gee sis.  You girls are so good to me."  I felt like crying, and I knew that I would be crying before this new ballbusting party was over.  "How many girls want to bust my balls?"

"Right now bro, there are 14!"

"Fourteen?!?!?" I exclaimed.  "Fuck, I will have sore nuts for a year if not more."

"I can take good care of them afterwards." she said reaching down and giving them a gentle squeeze.

"Yeah sis...after you take part in putting me in an immense amount of agony." I reeturned with a sigh.  "And maybe a hospital visit."

"Well of course you'll be in agony bro." she smiled.  "I have to make sure your balls are fine for the next time we have a ballbusting party.  Don't I?"

Moaning as I nodded my head in dispair.  "N-next time?  Sis...you and your friends are going to be the death of me and my balls."

"Let's certainly hope not."   she returned softly.  "I know I want your balls to last for a good long time.  They are too fun to destroy."

"Are you sure that your girlfriends all feel the same way?"

I will let them know, if they enjoy busting your balls, they had better make sure they don't rupture them.  For rupturing them would put an end to all their fun."

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