Chapter three - Ballbusting Party

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My sister informed me a few days later, after my balls were starting to not hurt all the time, that her friends, Angela, Janine and Margaret wanted to come over tonight for a party.  And stupid me, I had to ask about it.

"A party sis?  What kind of party?"

"Oh you don't have to worry about that brother dear.  You are going to be a big part of it.  Just think, you will be the only guy in a room with four women."  She smiled with a wicked grin, and an evil glint to her eyes.  I wilted from that look.  

"Your not going to bust my balls again are you sis?" I asked afraid of her answer.

"Of course.  And so are Angela, Janine and Margaret.  We are going to have a ballbusting party and You are the one who is going to supply the nuts for us brother dear."  I took a huge swallow, that showed my fear of what was coming, though Lucy immediately noticed the growing bulge in my tight pants.  "Oh Robert.  I see Your getting excited to have four women busting your testicles tonight.  Your getting a hard on."  She grinned wickedly, and picked up her phone.  After dialing a number and hearing a phone ring several times...I heard a "hello?"

"Angela, I just told Robert about our ballbusting party tonight and guess what happened?"

I could hear her laughing on the other end of the line, then she asked a question.  "Did he run and hide Lucy?"

"No Angela...he got a huge hard on!"  She grinned while staring at my big bulge.  "You  have to tell the girls that he is turned on to have us all bust his balls tonight." my body suddenly shivered as I thought of the anguish that I was going to be asked to endure  for the pleasure of four women.

It was then that Angela laughed.  "Oh he is going to be so sore when we are done with his family jewels."  then She paused for a moment as the told someone else who was at her house about this.  "I hope that he doesn't chicken out Lucy.  Patty wants to join in the fun too.  Tell him to imagine five girls lining up to kick,  squeeze and bust his balls tonight.  You're going to take part in this too aren't you Lucy?"

"Oh I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world."  She glanced over at me and saw the fear in my eyes.  "Robert can't wait either.  I can see the fear in his eyes, and the big huge bulge in his pants."  I turned and walked out, heading to my room to the laughter behind me.  

"Oh my God," I murmured to myself.  "What am I going to do?"  In the background I could still hear my own dear sister describing what she was going to do to my poor sac tonight.  The last thing I heard was her laughing and saying, "See You all here at 8 pm sharp.  I will have Robert and his family jewels ready to be beaten."

Thinking to myself that I was going to run away, I went to my room and laid down and cried to myself.  The pain in my mind that I was feeling between my legs weas nothing compared to what I would be feeling tonight.  Those girls would make sure of that.  My body shivered as I thought of the coming agony, but keeping the hope that my balls would end the night intact.  I closed my eyes and kept my mind whirling. Eight pm would come too soon for my comfort, but I was also excited.  So much so,  that my cock was steel hard.

Hours later, Lucy woke me up.  "Robert, it is 7:45.  Time to get naked and come to the play room.  You are going to love this.....well, maybe not you, but we girls will."  She paused for a few moments before forcing me to get up.  She gabbed me by the arms and pulled me to my feet.  "Get naked Robert.  I won't tell you again!"  She smiled wickedly, as she walked out of my room to answer the door, as the doorbell had just rung.  It was about to begin.  I moaned at the coming waves of pain my balls and stomach would be feeling.

"Oh God, what did I get myself into?"  I said quietly as I slipped out of my clothes and then walked into the other room.  The house had a fourth bedroom that mom and Lucy had made into a playroom.  Inside, there were all kinds of toys for ballbusting and fun.  A St Andrews Cross, milking tables, a drawer full of ball crushers and electrical devices that Mom and Lucy had collected.  I walked into the room and the first of girls was there waiting for me, as  Patty, the new girl who I had never met before, watched me walk in with a hard on, her dark eyes sparkled and she licked her lips, turning to Lucy.  "Oh my God Lucy, your brother is hot.  Hope we don't end up castrating him tonight with our busting of those wonderfully big balls, cause I want that cock."

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