Chapter 2 - Truth or Dare Alone

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After the introduction of what my sister Lucy suddenly wanted from me, she at least gave me a few days to relax and think about what was going to be happening.  And the possiblity was that it wouldn't just be her busting my nuts, it would be her friends too.  As I said before, I was going to be in for a world of hurt and there was nothing I could do about it.

I layed in my bedroom holding my now sore and swollen balls, wondering just what I had gotten myself into.  

Oh my sister Lucy knew, and she was going to milk me to the nth degree, and I was going to be doing a lot of screaming.  But I really had no idea what I had in store for me in the next few weeks.  If I knew, I would be moving out and finding a new place to live.

About thirty minutes later, there was a knock on my door.  I had fallen asleep still holding onto my sore nuts, so I didn't hear her knocking.  It didn't matter.  She came in anyway, and sat on my bed, waking me up.  "Robert, are your balls still sore?"  I didn't hear her, but I had a feeling that she was there, so I kept my hands protectively around my testicles. I felt a slap to my hand, which caused my nuts to ache more as I suddenly and instinctively squeezed them in reaction to the slap....waking me up.  

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed.  "Sis what the hell are you doing in my room?"

She smiled at me, her blue eyes seemed to be boring a hole through me, but her voice was soft and sweet.  "I just wanted to find out how my balls were feeling."  She paused for a moment or so before continuing.  "I know I was a little rough with them."

"Rough?  Rough sis?  It felt like you were castrating me!"

"Oh, it couldn't have been that bad." she returned with a gleem in her eyes.  "Let me check them out to see if they are okay."

"Leave my balls alone," I cried out, still holding onto them protectively.  "You showed me you can't be trusted with them."

"Whose balls boy?" she returned quickly and with some  authority.  "Didn't I tell you that they were now mine?"  All I could do was to nod my head, because I definitely remembered her telling me that as I was screaming in agony.  "Good.  Now let me feel them and see if they are okay," she said while removing my hands from my sac.  

She then took them gently into her hand, and rolled them between her fingers.  After a few moments she released them and spoke up.  "See?  That wasn't that bad.  And I am happy to inform you that your balls are intact and fine."  She paused again before going on.  "They are going to be sore for a few days, but they will survive."  

She leaned down and kissed them gently before getting up,  and walking out of my room, leaving me with a renewed hard-on,  She was talking to me as she left.  "As a courtesy to you, I will let you heal this time, before I do anything more to them.  But mark my words.  I will be doing some very painful things to MY BALLS."  She smiled wickedly,  "Too bad that it will only be you feeling the pain."   She walked ouf of the room, leaving me to shudder at the words she just said.

Two days later, as I was playing a computer game in my room, after mom and her friends had gone out for the evening, I was taken out of my concentration by a knock on the door.  Three sharp knocks and the door opened.  "Hey bro.  You want to play Truth or Dare with me?"

Disgusted, I returned with some anger.  "Truth or Dare?  With who?"

"Just you and me," she returned softly, with that sexy soft voice of hers.  She had always been hard to refuse, and even though I had a bad feeling about this, I shut my computer down and looked up into her gorgeous face.  

"Sure sis.  Let's play truth or dare."  I suddenly had a wave of nausia flow over my body, but I thought it was probably just a feeling of what happened the last time we were together.  "When do you want to play?"

Ballbusting: Truth or Dare and other fun activitiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ