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As they saw the duo resting Grady and Angel hid in the bushes waiting for the right time to do something about the fact that they had Pikachu in a cage. Angel placed her hands over her mouth as she teared up seeing how they had treated her pikachu. It really upset her that they'd treat her so badly, while the two were arguing about how to deal with the Pikachu she tried to bust her way out of the cage but nothing would happen but her being really tired. Grady and Angel soon found out that the two that had managed to steal Angel's Pikachu were named Kenji and Tami.

Kenji wanted to knock the Pikachu out and have the pikachu be used as bait for other pokemon. Tami just wanted to deliver the pokemon to their boss and be done with it. Angel couldn't wait anymore, seeing her precious Pikachu in such distraught was killing her inside. She jumped from being inside of the bush angered and annoyed. "Give me back my pikachu! You have no right to steal her from me!"

The duo looked shocked that they had been caught and both of them took out their pokeballs. "Like we'd ever do anything a mere child says to us!" Kenji said glaring at her

"Yeah, We're team rocket! We don't listen to anyone!" Tami said with a nod of her head

"I don't care who you two are! Pikachu belongs to me!" Angel shouted

As the three of them argued Grady grabbed the cage with Pikachu in it and bolted back towards town. Tami went to go taunt Angel with the Pikachu only to see that it was missing. "Where did the cage go?!" Tami Shrieaked

Angel had noticed that Grady had taken it and pulled her eye down as she tuck her tongue out at the two teenagers. "Nah! Don't underestimate children! Pikachu belongs to me!"

Angel then rushed off after Grady happily as she noticed that the two teenagers were on her heels telling her to come back. She laughed as she caught up with Grady as he tossed her the cage. She hugged it as she looked down at her Pikachu. "It's okay sweetie, you'll be okay soon enough. We need to get you somewhere that can get you out of this cage."

Pikachu nodded her head and sat tight knowing that she was with her trainer once more and that her trainer was happy to see her-regardless of her being in a cage or not. It didn't take long for them to get to the town and go to the police station where Officer Jenny was confused on what was going on when the two kids came in with a caged pokemon.

"What's going on here?" Officer Jenny asked

"We need help getting my Pikachu out of here. We just got it back from Team Rocket who had stolen it." Angel said sadly

Officer Jenny looked skeptical at the young red haired female. "Let me see your id."

She got her Pokedex and after confirming that the Pikachu was in fact hers, the officer broke the cage and Pikachu instantly went into Angel's arms happily, which Angel was more than happy to hug her. As Pikachu rubbed her face against her owners cheek her cheeks sparked up a bit. Angel thanked Officer Jenny before they left the police station. Upon leaving they saw the two grunts waiting for them.

"Give back Pikachu!" Tami shouted

"Nope, Pikachu belongs beside me. Ain't that right Pikachu?" Angel said happily

Pikachu nodded her head before electrocuting the duo that stole her. Grady laughed holding his side as he saw their hair puff out and them falling onto the ground. Grady held onto Angel's arm as he pulled her along as they went to the next city. While they were going to the next city Grady told Angel about his little journey all on his own. Angel was happy to hear everything that Grady was talking about, it made her feel bad that she even went with Gary for as long as she had. She should have known better than to think that he'd ever give her the time of day.

While they were resting Angel had made mention that Brock had told her that the next gym leader was a water based one and to be ready for a water battle. Grady whined out, he didn't have any water pokemon. Angel nudged at him and smiled. "It's okay, we're both at a disadvantage here. Why don't we see if we can find any wild water pokemon?"

Grady's eyes lit up as he smiled at her. "Sure! I'd like that! But how would we do that?"

Angel smiled. "I have an idea."

She let her pokemon all roam free as she set up pokemon food near the water, Grady did the same for his as they both hid away behind a tree. Very soon two Poliwags came from the water. Grady was going to get from where he was but Angel pulled him back as Pikachu began to talk with the two poliwags.

"Pika pikachu?"Are you two hungry?

The two poliwags looked to pikachu. "Poli poli" Yes, we are.

Oddish then spoke up. "Odd odd oddish" There's a very nice lady who is a trainer that takes care of us, she has a male friend who's really nice too. They will feed you like they do us.

Pikachu nodded her head in agreement before she went to where her trainer was hiding and pulled on her leg. "Pika pika!" This is her! She's really nice, she stays away to give pokemon space.

Angel was confused on what her Pikachu was doing, but petted the top of her head. "Are you making new friends Pikachu?"

Pikachu nodded her head and pulled her hand towards where the two pokemon were.

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