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A/n: I wish to say that in this story I will be having in italic what the pokemon say to one another-due to the fact that they can understand one another and I wish to make this story rather interesting with the pokemon actually having a say in what happens in their lives, unlike the co-author story that I'm writing that doesn't have any type of communication between the pokemon like I'll be doing here. So please enjoy!

While the two were traveling together, Grady noticed that Angel was rather quiet. So he tried to make her talk to him-at least for a little bit. "So...mind me asking you a few things Angel?" Grady asked curiously

Angel nodded her head as she looked at the male. "Sure, what's on your mind Grady?"

"How come you and my brother are so iffy with one another?" Grady asked

Angel sighed. "I figured it had to do with that dope of a guy...Listen...I've been working with your grandfather since I was seven years old. I've always adored Pokemon and your grandfather was more than happy to have me be there to help with them since he and the others were always so busy. I ended up finding out a lot about the Pokemon that were there and well...Cause of my age I couldn't really do much but feed the Pokemon. So that's what I did, one time when I did your dope of a brother came in and well, his first impression to me stuck. He was mean and really rude to me."

Grady felt rather conflicted. "My brother isn't like that at all though."

Angel scoffed. "He is to me, I don't care what people say about guys liking girls I don't believe it. If he likes me he should try to treat me better not like I'm crap. Cause that'll just make me not want to be around him."

"Speaking of him, while I was waiting for you to wake up, I actually managed to get a hold of my brother. Apparently he's stuck somewhere around here. If we find him..can we help him?"

"If he's nice." Angel stated looking to the brunette male seriously "If I hear one thing out of his mouth about himself I'm going to say no."

Grady nodded his head quickly and smiled at her."Okay noted!" He said happily

When they went to sit to rest due to Angel's foot, they fed their Pokemon, only for Grady to be surprised she had two bug types. "I thought females hated bugs?" Grady asked confused

"Not all females." Angel said shaking her head before she patted her Weedle and Caterpie giving them well deserved loving. "I love all pokemon no matter what they are."

Grady looked at her rather surprised. "Wow, No wonder you're going to be a breeder, having a thought like that in your head...yeah. You're going to do good as a breeder."

Angel smiled at him. "Thank you, but for now I'm going to try to be a trainer first. I need to find a way to get the attention of my father and my brother. The only way I'll do that is if I become a trainer."

"I mean this with all the sincerity that I have...Good Luck." Grady said with a weak smile

"Thank you, it's going to be a hard road for me but I think it'll be easier since I have someone being with me that isn't talking like a Pokemon." Angel joked looking at her sleeping Pikachu while her bug types were eating.

"Well you know, if you didn't walk off on me, you wouldn't be limping to the next city." Grady stated honestly

Angel hung her head a bit. "Yeah I guess that was my bad, but if I didn't do anything my Pikachu would have been gone for good. I don't know if I could have lived with knowing that I couldn't stop Team Rocket from stealing my Pikachu." Angel said sadly before she petted the back of Pikachu as she was sleeping.

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