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Gary looked at her confused. "What do you mean by that Angel?"

She sighed out before she pointed to her Pikachu. " She isn't keen on being around you after what you told her when you first saw her in your grandfather's laboratory."

Gary looked down at the female Pikachu only to see she was glaring at him as her ears were down. He then looked at her again. " What do I have to do just for you both not to hate me?" Gary asked

Angel raised an eyebrow at him."I don't hate you. I just find you highly annoying." Angel spoke before holding up her Pikachu. "But she hates you and rightfully so."

He frowned a bit."Pikachu, do you really hate me that much?" Gary inquired

The female Pikachu nodded her head sternly, making Grady cover his mouth as he tried his best not to laugh at the fact that his brother had found a way to piss of a Pikachu.

"Dude, what did you do to piss off Angel's Pikachu?" Grady asked curiously

"All I said was that Angel shouldn't feed it so much since it'd get fat like her." Gary stated

Angel saw that her Pikachu was pissed hearing that again and threw her at Gary only for him to be electrocuted by the Pikachu before she landed on the trunk of the car, static still coming out of her cheeks. "PIKA!" she shouted

"Yeah....I think you just pissed her off again Gary. She isn't fat, she's normal for her size." Angel stated "And I'm not fat either. You shouldn't have said what you had cause now I'm not going to help you out."

She motioned for her Pikachu to follow her, which she did happily leaving Grady to talk sense into his brother. "Dude, what is with you? Don't you know anything about girls?" Grady asked shaking his head

"I thought I did, what I did I say that was bad?"Gary asked

Grady went up to his brother and patted his shoulder. "You don't mention a girls weight, girls are sensitive to that type of stuff. Our sis told me about that before I left out since he saw that Angel had to bring me back to get my own pokemon."

"Really? So I shouldn't tell Angel to stop eating so damn much or tell her to stop feeding her Pikachu so much?" Gary asked

"I've seen how Angel acts and does things. She doesn't eat a lot to begin with, she sacrifices her health for the health of her pokemon." Grady stated sadly "Anyways, Angel isn't fat at all."

Gary raised an eyebrow at his little brother. "Are you serious right now? Please tell me you aren't falling in love with that pathetic girl."

"She isn't pathetic and we're only friends. There's nothing wrong with standing up for your friends Gary...oh wait I forgot you don't have friends do you?" Grady said sarcastically

Gary's eyes widen in shock before he narrowed his eyes at Grady. "You did not just go there!"

Grady just shrugged and walked off. "You had your shot and you messed up, I'm going to catch up with Angel, don't get too stranded."

Gary shouted for him to get back only for him to ignore his brother only to get confused as he couldn't find where Angel made off to. So he began to call out to her only to soon hear sniffling not far from where he was walking. Grady walked over towards where he heard the sniffling only to see that Angel was hugging her Pikachu tightly as she was trying her best not to cry loudly as she was sitting under a tree by a pond. Grady looked at her sadly before he slowly walked over to her and knelt down to where she was.

"Angel....are you going to be okay?" Grady asked concerned

Angel didn't answer him, it seemed like she was bent on being quiet and giving him the silent treatment for some odd reason. He sighed and sat across from her with his legs crossed. He wanted to talk to her about what had happened, he only hoped that she would actually allow him to talk to her.

Grady frowned as he looked at his dearest friend. "You know...I don't think what Gary said was true. About you or Pikachu." Grady said after a bit

Angel got her head from her Pikachu as she looked at Grady confused. "Y-You...You don't?" She asked

He shook his head no before he moved himself closer to her. "Honestly, I think just the opposite. I know you haven't eaten much and when I carried you to the Pokecenter the other day you were very light. I didn't know what to think when I had you in my arms. Sure you didn't seem like you weighted a lot but Angel...you aren't starving yourself are you?"

She sighed out before she wiped her eyes and let her Pikachu sit beside her. "I have been, I didn't think it'd matter if I had or not. My Pokemon mean more to me than my own body does."

Grady placed his hands on her lap. "Please stop that, who is going to take care of your pokemon if you're not around Angel?"

She shrugged. "You, Professor Oak...someone more deserving of them."

He sighed out and he placed his hands on her face making them look eye to eye with one another. "Stop that right now, I don't care what my brother thinks is right and what he doesn't think is right. What I care about is how you feel and your well being, Angel you're my friend and as such I want you to know that I'll always have your back."

"But he's your brother though..."Angel said confused

"So what if he is my brother? At least I know I got a cool chick with a lot of knowledge on Pokemon as my friend, while he doesn't have anyone he can rely on. He's screwing himself over with his attitude and he'll see it sooner or later." Grady said with a grin

Angel felt rather flustered that he had said what he had to her and gave him a weak smile. "T-Thank you for saying that...I...I guess we should call it a day now huh? It's getting dark out right now."

"Yeah we should, we can make camp here. Mind finding wood for a camp fire?" Grady asked

She nodded her head slightly. "I....I can do that."

"Cool, I'll see what I can do about finding food for us to eat." Grady said before they walked off in two different directions.

While Angel was picking up wood she felt a hand on her shoulder making her freak out slightly and jump a bit as she looked behind her only to see that it was Gary. Angel narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you want?"

"I...I wanted to apologize to you, I know I've been a jerk to you."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Who are you and what have you done to the real Gary Oak?"

"It really is me, c'mon Angel you aren't seriously thinking this is a hoax right now right?"

"Well taking into consideration the fact that not even a half hour ago you called not only my Pokemon fat but me fat....Yeah I do." Angel said as she continued to collect sticks from the ground.

"Can I at least help you out? You shouldn't have to do that alone, where's Grady?"

"He went to go find food." She stated

He walked off to find his brother, hoping to get him to comply with him. As he found his brother he saw that he was catching fish with his Bulbasaur who looked like he was having fun trying to catch fish. Gary got his attention only for Grady to give him a slight glare. "What do you want now?"

"You're hostile towards me too? Both Angel and you aren't being all that friendly right now."Gary stated

"Yeah well you didn't seem to think about that before you insulted Angel, you may be my brother but she's my friend and a girl at that. She shouldn't have to deal with you being utterly rude to her." Grady stated

Gary crossed his arms. "I tried to apologize to her but she wouldn't forgive me."

"Yeah probably cause she doesn't believe you have what it takes to give a sincere apology to anyone."

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