Chapter 1-New people new beginnings

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Beautiful Blue Jays chirped their subtle song through the chilled autumn morning, a cool breeze blowing through the glittering golden sky. A small Nissan versa pulls up at this giant bricked building radiating with the tint of windows and pride as a polished board hangs over the entrance stating in steel Lycan High.

As she walks in the click clacking of heels and squeaking of sneakers slide across the halls over the eggshell floors as a deep aqua of lockers decorate the walls. Everyone skids to a halt at the new beauty that graces the school her ebony locks glimmering under the florescence her dark brown eyes contrasting perfectly to her rich dark clay skin and stray smile as she steps down the halls.

Meanwhile down the hall a dark figure walks alone through the halls as he stops at one of the aqua tinted lockers as he turns to the dial, the sharp clicking of the tumblers until the door opens. A humid scent flows out like a greenhouse as he begins to rummage through its contents. The figure keeps himself hidden with a black baggy hoodie covering his frame and shielding himself from the shared gaze of the other students. He pulls out his books out one at a time paying no attention to others as they silently walk past him shooting off glares and sneers as they spot him.

This new person slowly strides down the halls shrugging off the wandering gaze of the other students as the click clack rhythm is halted by a screech and skid as she tumbles towards the figure, slamming and landing with a hard thud as the books fall and pages flutter. Scattering across the floor the whole school fills with a deafening silence as their gaze fixated on the two contrasting figures. She shyly looks up giving a nervous smile as her gaze reaches the top. The towering figure emits a low growl escaping his throat as he turns, their fellow students watch with wide eyes. The depth of the growl grows; he turns shooting chills through their bodies but abruptly stops as he sees her. Hesitating at first and simply standing over her, the only sound being the breathing of the people that surrounded the two with the occasional soft whisper but soon his clenched fist to an open palm as he extends it outward.

His firm yet gentle grip pulls the girl back on her feet before he slowly lowered himself scooping up the scattered books and papers not saying a single word as he rises and once more looking back down at her as their eyes lock upon one another once more.

"Sorry about that I didn't see where I was going"

She apologized giving an embarrassed smile to which he responds with a small nod but cocks his head shooting a piercing glare at the crowd causing them scatter before slowly turning his attention back to the girl that stood before him.

"It's alright, nothing is damaged." he responds.

Holding his books, he turns to walk away.


she exclaims reaching out for his arm, he slowly turns to her again as she looks shyly back.

"Umm I don't know my way around here I was hoping you could help me." with those words he sighs rubbing the bridge of his nose then looks at her schedule.

"Alright, we have a couple classes together so I'll show you around"

She pauses, cocking a sharpened brow at the male.

How did you

He raises a finger and points to the back of her books, her schedule visible as she nods and follows him closely down the hall.

Step after step is met with the growing gaze of fellow students, glares and sneers met his eyes, he scoffs ignoring their looks and soon stops. Turning into a room filled with the noise of conversational students but fall silent as he walks through the room taking a seat in the back corner of the room away from prying eyes. He sighs and looks out the window and into the dense foliage of the woods bordering along a side of the school. She quietly sits beside him as the teacher walked in and class begins, the normal routine follows with students taking out their books and taking notes of what the teacher says.

Davia quietly writes in her book but her gaze occasionally wanders to the strange person that shes sitting beside while he scribbles in his book. She leans in and reads along the words as they fill the pages mouthing softly to the words as the ink darkens the page


"A thing unknown to people like me"

"They call us evil but we can be good"

"They call us scary yet we protect"

"They run from us as if we are something straight from hell"

"They have a name for what I am"

"A name I hear all too often"

"I name I have chosen to accept"

"What am I?"

"I am the thing people tell about in stories"

"I am the nightmare"

"I am the embodiment of all evil"

"What am I?"

"I'm a monster"

He sighs softly as he lifts his pen from the page as she lifts her gaze to meet his remarking

"It's beautiful"

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