Gotuce Day Off #2: Return to Base and Sharing!?

Start from the beginning

Amy turns to Tangle and Whisper who are crying and she keeps down to them.

Amy: Don't worry you two, it'll be okay.....Gotuce.....will b-be okay.
Everyone was at the Med Bay watching doctors leave the room where they just operated on Gotuce.

A doctor approached Amy.

Doctor: He seems to have stabilized but he will need a lot of time to recover from this.

Amy: Understood.

The doctor leaves as Sonic walks up to Amy.

Sonic: How is he.....

Amy: They said that he is stabilized now.

Sonic: Good.......and what of Tangle and Whisper....

Amy: They are still crying but we let inside of Gotuce room.

Sonic: Tch.....If I ever see Eggman.....he is truly going to pay.
A few days has passed as Gotuce was still in a coma but he kept getting conscious here and there.

Whisper and Tangle keep visiting him as he recovers.

Tangle tells him all of his adventures with Whisper.

Whisper tells how she's been keeping Tangle in check.

Just then, the door was opened and walking inside was Blaze who had her hair in a mess but behind her was Lanolin.

Tangle: Blaze? What are you doing here?

Blaze: I came here as fast as I could after I heard what happened to Gotuce!

Tangle: O-Oh okay.

Whisper: 'Also who is that behind you?'

Blaze turns to see the sheep.

Lanolin: O-Oh, I'm Lanolin.

Whisper: 'Ah, okay.. but what is your reason to be concerned for Gotuce.'

Blaze: Can't I be concerned for my future husband health?

Tangle: Wait, FUTURE HUSBAND!?

Whisper eyes are wide in shock.

Blaze: Yes! He is destined to my husband and king of the Sol dimension!

Whisper who is taken out of the shock screams out.

Whisper: As if! He will be me and Tangle husbands!

Lanolin: If I may, I think he would be my husband!

Tangle: What the! No way!

With all that yelling, they didn't notice that Gotuce was starting to wake up.

Gotuce: yelling?

Gotuce had opened his eyes but shut them quickly to get the light adjusted before seeing Tangle, Whisper, Blaze, and Lanolin arguing amongst themselves.

Gotuce: I interrupting something?

They all stopped as they saw Gotuce was awake.

Tangle/Whisper/Blaze: GOTUCE!!!!!

They all hugged him to which was a bit to much on his still healing injury.

Gotuce: OW!!!!!!!

They all release from him.

Tangle: Oops Sorry, Gotuce! Heh heh!

Whisper: 'Im so happy that your awake!'

Blaze: I'll burn whoever did this to you!

Gotuce: Heh....I'm relieved that you are all here to see me......but I don't get why your here Lanolin?

Lanolin: O-Oh, I-Its just that I........I......want to tell you how I fe-

Blaze: Your in love with Gotuce, correct?

Lanolin blushes from this correct assumption.

Lanolin: Eep!

Blaze: It's alright, I have an idea for how we can get a piece of Gotuce.

Gotuce: You do?

Blaze: Yes and it's simple........We share you, Gotuce.

Gotuce: Ah....ah! Of course!

Tangle: So what do you say~ Ready for all this fluffyness~

Whisper, Blaze and Lanolin all look at Gotuce with hungry eyes as they all start to inch forward to Gotuce before he screams in terror as they all pounce on him as they declare their love to him in kisses.

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