Issue #12: Escape from the City!

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The Chaotix had been doing their best to save as many people as they could but it is proven to be slow at best.

Vector is trying to push a truck down.

Vector: Pop the clutch!

Bear Mobian: I only know how to drive automatic!

Vector: Grrr! put it in neutral! I'll push you til you go down hill!

The truck begins to go down hill to a safer area.

Mobians: Thank you!

Vector smiles as they leave but turns to face the zombots but notices more zombots coming from his front.

Vector: No fair! Ganging up on a guy who can't hit you back!

Suddenly a blue tornado spins around to blow away the Zombots.

Sonic stops next to him.

Sonic: I heard you could use a hand?

Vector: What is with you with dramatic timing!? Tails said you were infected. Should you not breath on me or......?

Sonic: No. We're fine as long as I don't touch you. This way I can bop some zombots but.......

Sonic sighs.

Sonic: I got to keep speeding along to burn it off. And the more Zombots I hit. The more it spreads. Sooooooooo..

Vector: You got to keep moving-got it. We're getting survivors down to the evac.

Sonic: Good plan. I'll cover you as best as I can.

Vector and Sonic run their both ways.

Vector: And next time Eggman loses his memories? I'm throwing him in a cell!

Sonic: Less hindsight! More rescuing!

Charmy and Espio are leading a group of survivors to the dock.

Espio: This way! Keep your eyes open! Call out any Zombots that you see!

Suddenly a shriek was heard from behind.

A female cat mobian was infected

Mobian: Here! Right Here!

Female Cat Mobian: I-Im not one of them! I-Its just a scratch! Please don't leave me behind! You can't leave me behind!

Charmy: What do we do?

Espio: I.....I don't know. We can't risk anyone else getting infected.....But.......

Before Vector can put a car down in front of the Mobian, Gotuce come crashing down making everyone stop.

Before Vector can put a car down in front of the Mobian, Gotuce come crashing down making everyone stop

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Vector: Gotuce! Good timing! We need to bloc-

Gotuce begins to walk towards the panicked mobian.

Female Cat Mobian: Please! Help Me!

Sonic The Hedgehog (IDW): Fighting For All Time!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя