Chapter 28: Tangled Emotions

Start from the beginning

Yuvaan's trembling continued, his body shivering with each passing moment. His voice quivered as he spoke, "No... It hurts so much out there. I can't bear it. I don't want to go through that pain again."

Kabir felt a surge of irritation rise within him, his patience wearing thin. He couldn't help but feel frustrated at Yuvaan's persistent fear and reluctance to face the outside world. His alter's fear and his own mounting frustration created a volatile mix of emotions.

Kabir breathed deeply, trying to suppress his growing irritation. He reminded himself of Dr. Sandeep's advice about patience and understanding. He knew that getting frustrated with Yuvaan wouldn't help their situation.

"Yuvaan," Kabir tried again, his voice tinged with empathy, "I understand that going outside feels overwhelming and painful for you. But you can't stay trapped inside forever."

"NO!" Yuvaan yelled, his voice reflecting anger and frustration. "You promised, Kabir! You promised you wouldn't force me! Why can't you understand that?"

Kabir took another deep breath, trying to remain calm despite Yuvaan's outburst. He knew that pushing Yuvaan would only make matters worse, but he also wanted to find a way to help them overcome their fears.

"I'm sorry, Yuvaan," Kabir said, his voice softer this time. "I didn't mean to make you feel like I'm forcing you. I just... I want us to find a way to heal and move forward together. But I understand that it's scary for you."

Yuvaan's face twisted with anger as he interrupted Kabir. "Stop saying that you understand! You don't understand anything. Just leave me alone!"

Kabir felt a pang of guilt as he saw the pain and frustration in Yuvaan's eyes. He knew that Yuvaan was right – he couldn't fully understand what it was like to be in his alter's shoes. But he also couldn't stand by and watch Yuvaan suffer in isolation.

Kabir gently touched Yuvaan's shoulder, hoping to convey his support and understanding. "Yuvaan, I know I can never fully understand what you went through, the pain you felt during those months. But please know that I'm on your side. I want to help you heal and find peace."

Yuvaan forcefully brushed Kabir's hand away. "You have no idea, Kabir! No idea what it was like to be trapped, to feel helpless and alone. You weren't there!"

Kabir listened as Yuvaan continued his rant, his words showing his frustration and anguish.

"You have no idea what it was like, Kabir!" Yuvaan exclaimed, his voice trembling with emotion. "You don't know how it felt to wake up in the middle of the night, feeling like your skin is suffocating, like you're drowning in tar! I would scrub my skin raw, hoping to wash away the darkness, but it never worked. It just felt like I was trapped in a never-ending nightmare, day after day!"

Yuvaan's eyes glistened with tears as he continued to pour out his emotions. "And every morning, I would wake up with a glimmer of hope, hoping that today would be the day everything would set right. But it was always dashed, Kabir. Always. The pain, the darkness, it never seemed to fade. It was suffocating."

Kabir clenched his fists, his frustration mixing with a wave of growing anger as Yuvaan continued his rant. He tried to maintain his composure, but the weight of Yuvaan's words and the intensity of his emotions made it difficult.

"You're right, Yuvaan," Kabir replied, his voice laced with anger. "I can't fully understand what you went through, and I won't pretend to. But that doesn't mean I don't care or that I don't want to help."

Yuvaan's eyes narrowed, and he scoffed bitterly. "Help? How can you help when you can't even grasp the depth of my pain? You think a few comforting words and promises can make it all better? It's not that simple, Kabir."

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