Chapter 14

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The training had just started.

I have quite a bit of knowledge about how war works, and I've already mastered swordship if it comes in handy. But still, do I really have to do this now?

I have been running circles on the training grounds; how come? To increase my stamina.

I really feel bad for those knights; they have to run miles for hours. But I'm a girl. At least spare me! Despite my reservations, I knew that participating in the training was necessary for my growth as a warrior. As I watched the knights tirelessly running, I couldn't help but wonder if there could be different exercises that would suit me better.

"Are you okay, Evory?" Lilian says it with a worried tone. She came with me in the training ground to accompany me. She believes that I would be bored or sad alone. Nonetheless, I don't mind having her with me. It feels better that someone is there to cheer me up. As I catch my breath, I reassure Lilian with a smile. "I'm fine; I'm just contemplating if there are different training methods that align more with my strengths and abilities. Perhaps more thoughtful training or easy exercises would be beneficial for me." Lilian nods understandingly, her support unwavering as she replies, "You never fail to find a way to be lazy, don't you?" I chuckle at Lilian's teasing remark, appreciating her lightheartedness. "Well, I prefer to call it strategic efficiency," I respond playfully. "But in all seriousness, finding ways to enhance my training is essential for long-term progress and preventing burnout." Lilian nods again, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Just remember not to stray too far into the realm of laziness," she advises with a wink. "Balance is key." I softly laughed. "I couldn't agree more," I reply, nodding in agreement. Lilian smiles, her playful tone turning serious for a moment. "Besides, pushing yourself too hard can sometimes lead to negative returns," she adds wisely.

She hands me the water pot, and I gulp down the whole thing.

She is not only enjoying the view but also running with me. Then I got to see that she was more fragile than me. At least I'm doing better than someone, I guess.

"Take a rest for now." She says with a smile as she pats on her side, hinting at me to sit down. I can't help but chuckle. It's good to have a little sissy.

As soon as I sat beside her, I noticed she was covered in sweat. An idea came into my head.

Let's just wash her up.

I cast magic on her that soaked her in water. As the water cascaded over her, she let out a surprised yelp. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. She looked at me with a mix of annoyance and amusement. "You always find a way to make things interesting, don't you?" she said. She took the water pot from the side and playfully splashed water back at me. I playfully dodged the water and grinned at her. "Well, life would be boring without a little mischief," I replied, casting another spell of water to continue our unplanned water fight. As the water fight escalated, we both ended up soaked from head to toe. The laughter echoed through the air as we continued to enjoy our impromptu water battle. We had fun splashing around and laughing together as we washed away the sweat. It was a refreshing and playful moment.

It was already night. I skipped my lunch because I had no interest in sitting with that complicated woman again.

I take a warm bath to soothe my tired muscles. I lay down on my bed and took a deep breath. My whole body is aching from these physical exercises. I wish I knew a magic trick that took away the pain. Sadly, healing doesn't work that way.

But anyway, it feels so clear and refreshing. Especially the scent, it is driving me into a comfortable sleep.

Hold on.. Scent? Did the maid place any flowers in my chamber? She would obviously ask for permission. But that is an unfamiliar scent. No, I've felt this scent before. But where? As I wracked my brain, trying to recall where I had encountered this familiar scent before, a memory suddenly flashed in my mind. Why am I getting reminded of him?

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