Chapter 1

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I've been staring at the mirror for the past hour or so. Blue crystal eyes that are as vibrant as the deep blue ocean, with dark blue hair that is as shimmering in every thread. Her hair falls down in soft waves, framing her delicate shining pale face perfectly.

The delicate details of her dress, adorned with pearls and lace, add to her majestic appearance. She radiates an air of grace and poise that is befitting of a princess.

hold on.. Is this the image of perfection that all princesses embody? The mirror reflects a beauty that seems almost ethereal, leaving me in awe of her elegant look.

I find it difficult to accept, yet I can't ignore it any longer. It had been a few days since I woke up in this unfamiliar place.

Around me, everything appears sparkling and luxurious. I saw a lovely girl when I glanced at myself in the mirror. I feel like I'm in a different person's body. As I explored further, I discovered that this place was indeed a kingdom, and I had somehow become one of its princesses.

At first, I enjoyed the experience, treating it as a dream. However, the dream felt much too lengthy. But each time, I woke up back in the same lavish surroundings, unable to escape. The more I tried to break free, the more trapped I felt in this surreal reality. Desperation began to consume me as I searched for answers on how to return to my own life.

I attempted to jump out of my window, drown myself in the river, and even murder myself out of panic, just to get out of this dream.

However, nothing worked; instead, I was harmed, and the pain that I got from the attempts to kill me felt far too real to be a dream. That's when My mind began to fill with negative ideas. That can't be. I must be losing my sanity, trapped in some twisted alternate dimension.

The more I questioned my own existence, the deeper I spiralled into a state of hopelessness and despair.

As I carefully analysed my environment and myself to observe how others were treating me, It felt more tragic.

Lady Evory, Lunch is ready; Lady Evory, bath is ready; Lady Evory, dinner is ready.

They all call me Nothing but Lady Evory. Am I Transmigrated? Into a Novel?

That's impossible... I'm Evory Lysandra Elkon, the princess of the kingdom of Eska, the firstborn of the Empress, and the villainess who will suffer a torturous ending!

No matter how many times I check on myself, the reality remains unchanged. I am indeed trapped in the world of a novel. There's no other way to decline this.

Every memory started to flood back into my consciousness. Yes, it is true. I vividly recall reading the novel "Lady Lilian's Karma".

Lilian is the protagonist of the novel. She is the illegitimate child of the Empress. After the Emperor died in a war, The heartbroken Empress took her 2-year-old daughter Evory on vacation. There, she fell in love with a commoner. They spent months and years together until that man died of a disease, and the Empress had to return with another broken heart.

She never looked for love or got married because she kept getting her heart shattered. She soon learned that she was carrying the commoner's child.

Despite being criticised for doing some ill-mannered things with a commoner, she kept the baby and raised her in the castle alongside Evory.

The child was named Lilian because she was the symbol of peace, passion, and hope in the Empress's life. As Lilian grew older, she blossomed into a kind-hearted and talented young woman, admired by all. She brought joy and laughter back into the castle, melting the hearts of even the harshest critics.

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