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Hi! This one is a bit shorter, because I just couldn't find the right way to put it. It is also quite boring, but the next ones will give you enough action;-)

While the two leaders where on the other side of the sea, there were dearly missed in Pontypandy. Even if every single member of the team was keeping in contact with them as much as they could, they still were counting days on the calendar till their team leaders' come back to home. 

"Where's Station Officer Steele?" Elvis asked when he approached Ellie and Arnold in the kitchen. Surprised, they almost jumped in the air. 

Last months got on their nerves. Since the death of Chief Fire Officer Boyce and Penny's leaving there was nothing as it was. Until Sam also left to go on the exchange, at least they had a normal team leader. Later on they got two new firefighters to work in their team until Sam and Penny came back. But they had a very different view on how work in Pontypandy should look like. 

"He is still ill" Arnold raported to Elvis and they all sighed in despair. 

"So we have to deal with this clowns one day more?" Ellie groaned annoyedly. 

"Actually, three months" Arnold started, but Ellie quickly interrupted him. "So is equal to..."

"We can count, Arnold" Ellie chimed in.

"How's your ankle?" Arnold asked Ellie worriedly, trying to make up for his long tongue. 

"Better" Ellie replied calmy again, but her face was once again crossed by helpless anger when one of their new colleagues came to the kitchen. 

He didn't even welcome them with easy: good morning. And it was like that every day. They two new colleagues may be the team leaders from their rank, but in behaviour and knowledge they were far away from Pontypandy firefighters. And comparing to Sam and Penny, they wouldn't even stay close to zero. 

One of them - Oliver McLoad was a former teamleader in small valley somewhere in Scotland. He was quiet at the beginning and made a good first impression as a controlled and experienced firefighter. Station Officer Steele even liked him at first, but after the fire at the forest, where Oliver didn't know from what to start first, it changed the whole game. It turned out that he was used to putting out fires on farms or on meadows, nothing like building fires or forest ones. 

The second team leader - Jackson Johnson, on the other hand, as it turned out, was experienced in forest fires, but he didn't know anything about city fires as well. He was always talking and he might have been on the same wavelenght that Elvis was, if he would stop only talking about himself. 

Even Elvis had had enough of the two of them, not to talk about Arnold, Station Officer Steele or Ellie. Mostly each of them had been doing everything they could to avoid their replacement team leaders and do they job the best way possible for Pontypandy's safety.

However they were plenty of actions that definately could turned out differently if their team leaders could at least coorporate with the team. 

"Here he comes" Ellie pointed to Arnold as Jackson passed by them with short: Hi! 

"Come on, Ellie. From the two of them Jackson isn't so bad" Arnold tried to convince her quietly when they were leaving the kitchen. 

"Yes, but he still gets on my nerves" Ellie replied grumpily. 

They walked over to Jupiter and started washing. It was the best thing they could do. Latter on they would probably have to roll the hoses ones again as every single day. 

"I don't know how you two, but I can't stand this two" Ellie complained when their new team leader started showing them how they should roll up hoses. 

"You know it" Arnold replied annoyedly. 

"Come on, Ellie's right. They are even worse than Ryan was when he was replacing Sam" Elvis noticed.

"But back then Penny was with us" Arnold answered Elvis' comment. 

"Should I remind you? She didn't get along with Ryan better than Jackson and Oliver with us" Ellie chimed in with a mischevious smile. 

"Nooo..." Arnold immeditelly noticed it. "You don't have one of those ideas, Ellie, do you?" He asked his friend terrified, but Ellie just measured him with her eyes. 

"What do you want me to tell you?" 

"That you don't plan to do anything stupid" Elvis demanded. He also was aware of Ellie's original sense of humor. 

Ellie just shrugged her shoulders and stayed silent for the rest of the day. After they ended rolling hoses, there was nothing else to do, so they closed themselves in the office. 

"Are you mad at us?" Elvis asked Ellie when she was silently writing something on paper. 

"No" she simply replied. 

"So what is your plan?" Arnold sighed in resignation. He could realized when Ellie set her mind on something. 

"If we wait another three months, we will go crazy here" Ellie explained. "Or something worse could happen to one of us" she pointed to her ankle to underline her words. She was injured three weeks ago. 

"But we can't change anything" Elvis sighed. 

"We have to get Sam and Penny back here" Ellie whispered to Arnold and Elvis when the sun set. 

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