5. Risky game

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Hello everyone! I came back here with a slightly shorter chapter that stops and fastens the plot at the same time. So I'm sorry because of the delay but right here I know how to push this story to the limits. Have a nice week;)

"Another fire put out this week" Penny communicated to Station Officer Steele when she, Sam and Elvis returned from the mountains.

"It is really boring. Nothing happens now and if it would go that way we could be jobless in short amount of time" Sam muttered unpleasently. His colleagues laughed at this joke, their friend wasn't a kind of person who liked to sit around and do nothing.

"We're still having a few things to finish" Penny laid down a book with reports that needed to be finished.

"So good afternoon you two" Elvis waved, leaving his friends at the table and taking direction to kitchen where he planned to spend a little time.

While Elvis was cooking, Sam and Penny were filling the reports from last month. They hadn't talked about Penny's father anymore since last time, only next day from it Penny quickly said to Sam that Boyce was fine back at home.
An hour passed and another, no once the alarm went off, the team leaders were still filling and checking the raports while Elvis was singing in the kitchen.

"I can't remind myself this call" Penny's complaining voice broke the long-living silence. She passed the paper a little to the left where Sam was sitting. He looked up at the paper and regonised the date and title: Big Baloon 2000, with Hannah, Norman and Joe on board, was  stuck high in the mountains.

"It's because you wasn't there when it happened. You were on days off then" Sam giggled, showing Penny a date in high left corner. "I'll fill it for you" he proposed.

"I'm not sure. It is already my last one and you have still" she quickly checked the papers laying before Sam "two reports."

"Two or three it is not a big diffrence" Sam just shrugged his shoulders. "I can do it, Penny. It is part of our duties."

"I'll verify one of yours and you'll fill mine" Penny decided and they got back to writing.

"You really should think about yourself, Penny. It won't hurt from time to time" Sam was leaning on the doorframe of Station Officer Steele's office while Penny put the book with reports back on the shelf.

"And who tells it?" She turned back to him with her arms crossed on her chest. "The person who is the most selfless of us all" she teased.

"I'm just..."

"Doing your job?" Penny asked ironically, as an Map Screen 2000's signal went off in the distance. "James Jones got stuck on a cliff puddle."

Penny saw out of the corner of her eye how Sam's face got slightly, but still visibly, paler. She knew he was afraid as everytime those alarm bell rang to help his family. But, she had to admit, the way Sam dealt with it and put the fear aside impressed her.

When they arrived on the scene, Sarah was waiting for them at the edge of cliff. She was seemingly worried, so, by the time Venus rolled down to a closest point she could get, Sarah was already holding her uncle's hand. That's why Penny was the one who checked what was going on with Sarah's twin brother.

"It is too windy here for Wallaby 2, so we need to work otherwise. One of us has to climb down and get him" Penny explained as she approached them again.

"I'll go" Sam volounteered, letting go off Sarah's hand.

"No, I'm lighter" Penny disagreed.

"But I'm more concentrated" Sam argued, leading Penny a step away from Sarah.

"Just be careful" she let go, realizing that, even though she knew perfectly that it was not as Sam's saw it, she couldn't forse Sam to letting her go in, because it would be as meaningless.

Penny secured the rope, keeping a close eye one Sam and Sarah, who were leaning a little over the edge to check on James.

"Line's secured" Penny announced, handing Sam the end of it.

"James, keep still! I'm coming for you!" Sam shouted down the cliff wall, as he started his journey down.

It didn't take them even ten minutes to take James to safety. As soon as Sam landed on a cliff puddle, he quickly checked James. He seemed fine, so Sam put a harness around his nephew and began to climb up the wall. Back to Sarah and Penny.
He sat James on a ground, letting him stand up himself with help of Penny. But Sam couldn't climb himself, because he heard too late the noise of rubbing rope.

"Uncle Sam!" Sarah screamed in fear as her and Penny's frightened gazes met. The firefighter wanted to scream, but all she could do was lean forward and tried to reach an end of a falling rope.

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