Chapter 1

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A girl wearing a white coat came out of her cabin.

She greeted the other doctors as she passed them while walking through the corridors.

This was the Hills hospital. A well known one between all kinds of patients and she works as a psychiatrist here.

Reni walked into another cabin and greeted her best friend "Mike".

Mike looked up from the patient files he was reading and smiled.

"It's my time to leave, I will go pick up Emi from school and be back before five" she said as she turned to leave.

Mike stood up .

"Go ahead, I will take care of it here"

She smiled at him and waved him bye. She left the hospital to the parking lot where her bike was parked.

Getting on the bike she put the key in to start it.

She felt the breeze hit her face as she drove on the roads, the breeze was cool because of the recent showers and felt really awesome.

It didn't took her long to arrive at Emily's school as it was not that far away from the hospital.

She parked her bike out of the school gates and waited for the school to get over. She was here a bit early today.

Emily went to just an ordinary public school, so it was really crowded as a lot of children rushed out all at once and the parents rushed in to get their kids and go home.

She just waited patiently at the gate for Emi(Emily) to come out.

When the rush has almost subsided Emi came out with both of her hands wrapped around her bestfriends' shoulders.

Reni smiled at the happy expression covering her daughter's face.

As soon as Emi saw Reni she rushed towards her leaving her friends behind to rush after her.

Reaching her mother and Emily shouted between taking breaths "Mommy, You know what..Huh Huh...happened.".

Reni pulled out the little girl's water bottle and gave it to her.

The girl gulped down all the water left in the bottle and finally calmed down. She passed the bottle to her mother to put it back into her bag.

"Hey,....hey Emi wait" said Emi's friends as they reached her, their breaths short.

"Didn't you eat? you are too slow" she mocked.

Alex pouted at this "We are not slow, you are just too fast, right Kiely"

Kiely nodded her head.

"Then you should exercise otherwise you will become fat like a potato and instead of running you will then roll on the ground" Emily nagged them behaving like an adult while the two nodded their heads obediently.

Even though Reni would love to see these kids tease each other all day but today she has got no time to waste, she has to return to the hospital early.

"Emi lets go, it's getting late"

Emi listened to her mother and said good bye to her friends before going with her.

Reni got her daughter's small purple bag and helped Emi sit in the front. She pulled the bag on her one shoulder, sat on the bike behind Emi and drove it to their home.

Their home was neither too small or too big, it was just perfect for the two of them. It was a cozy two storey building with a little living room which was attached to the kitchen on the ground floor and a bedroom with a bathroom on the first floor.

Although the house was not that big but there was enough space for them to run around.

They soon reached home and Reni helped Emi to get down from the bike before parking it into the little parking space in her house.

Getting off of the bike she unlocked the door. Emi went in and she followed her after closing the main gates of the house.

"Emily go and change your clothes and put your bag in place, till then mommy will make something for you to eat" Reni said as she put off her keys and her helmet and put on an apron from the rack.

Emi went upstairs to change her clothes. Till the time she came back Reni had already fried the vegetables and made mayonnaise sandwiches

Emi came and sat at the table waiting for her mother to serve food to her.

Reni got the plate and put it in front of her.

Emi started eating.

Reni put a glass of orange juice on the table for her to drink.

As she sat at the table too she saw Emi looking at her hands. She has already finished her sandwiches.

'This girl sure eats fast' she thought to herself as she took the plate away to wash it.

Till the time she turned around the glass has gone empty, she looked again at the little girl who was biting her lips as she continued to look at her lap.

After washing the dishes and placing it back in the cabinet Reni came back and sat opposite to Emi.

When Emi still didn't say anything she asked "What do you want?"

Emi finally looked up at her mother and made a cute face.

She came near her and tugged on Reni's t-shirt making those puppy dog eyes and asked in a small voice "Mommy, can I go to Alex's place to play today? Kiely is also coming, or we can call them to come here"

Reni stared at her small daughter smiling "We will call them here another day, today mommy has to go to the hospital so you can go and play at Alex's.."

Emi cheered as her mother agreed "But you have to complete your homework before going"

These words were like a bomb dropped on Emi's plan.

Emi sulked as she thought about the homework they had got and pouted.

Reni looked at her and laughed. She stopped when she saw her glare.

"Mommy this is not funny" Emi said in an angry tone.

Reni so much wanted to laugh at her daughter's antics who tried to become scary. She reminded her of someone but she quickly brushed the thought away.

"Okay Emi, mommy is sorry to laugh, why don't we go and finish your homework so you can go to play early" Reni said and started going upstairs to get Emi's bag.

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