Drunken Proposal (Kittie Pryde)

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Katherine 'Kittie' Pryde was sitting on the shared bed of her and the Amazing Spider-Man, Peter Parker. She was alone for most of the night.

Peter was out with Matt and Logan. Apparently they went out to a bar to celebrate Matt winning his big case. Kate didn't mind that Peter went out with his friends... is Logan his friend?

Anyway, he's been out for a few hours now. But then Kittie heard someone fumbling with some keys outside of the door.

"Oh come. Which one is it?" It was Peter, he was fumbling with his keys outside. Kittie slightly jogged over to the door and opened it.

Peter looked up from his keys when he heard the door open, and smiles. "Hey, I know you... you're my girlfriend!"

Peter comes inside the home, he stumbles through the doorway, he was drunk.

Peter drops his keys on the floor. He turns on the balls of his feet and looked down confused at his keys.

"There's supposed to be a bowl for me to put my keys on this counter, were is the bowl for me to put my keys?"

Kittie chuckled at her boyfriend's antics. "That's the wrong counter." Kittie walks over to Peter and picks up his keys. She then walks over to the other counter, where the bowl actually was.

She dropped his keys in the bowl and Peter
smiles. "You're so smart. I love you." Peter said. His eyes were almost closed but his smile was big and genuine.

"I love you too. Now let's get you to bed." Kittie slings Peter arm over her shoulder and starts going towards the bedroom.

Peter kept chucking and leaning his head down to kiss Kittie's cheek. Kittie found his drunken antics amusing and funny. Even when he was drunk he was sweet.

Soon enough they make it to their bedroom. Peter takes them off his tweed blazer. Kittie had gotten it for him when she figured out he had gotten the teaching job at 'Midtown High'.

She thought it made him look like a sexy professor. She even completed the look with a pare of glasses without lenses.

"God, I just love the way you look in this jacket." Kittie grabbed the jacket and threw it on Peter's desk chair.

"I don't understand why you find tweed of all things attractive. I could understand if it was cotton, but tweed? With elbow patches?" Peter rambled. Kittie always found his rambling endearing.

Kittie's back was turned to Peter, he started hugging her from behind, and kissing her neck.

"Pete. Don't start anything you can't finish." Kittie warned jokingly. "Oh I think we both know I can go long enough to finish what I start." Peter sexily whispered in her ear before going back to kissing her neck.

"That may be true, but we both don't like having sex while one of us is drunk." Kittie pointed out. Peter immediately got off of her neck and kisses her head.

"You're right. You're so smart, I love you so much." Kittie turned around and put her head on Peter's chest.

"I can't believe you settled for me." Peter said genuinely and quietly. "Don't be ridicules Peter I didn't settle for you." Kittie said. "Yes you did." Kittie was about to retort, but Peter cut her off."Yes you did. And I'm going to tell you why." Peter took a few steps back.

"Kittie, when you first met me I was a mess. MJ had just left me for Florida, Aunt May's hospital bills were eating... all of my paychecks. I was so stressed and angry. But you went out on a date with me amyway."

Kittie remembered the day that Peter asked her out. His hair was unruly, probably due to the fact that he had just taken his mask off. He was obviously tired, but he took his shot anyway.

"You still dated me when I had three jobs, when I barely had five minutes to spend with you. I was working for the 'Bugle', interning with Dr. Connors and on top for that being Spider-Man! You should have left me after the first date."

Peter moves towards his nightstand and opened his drawer. He walks back over to her with a small black box in his hand.

Kittie knew what was in that box. And when Peter started to get on one knee Kittie just wanted it to slow down.

"Peter maybe you should go to bed, you've had a lot of drink." "Kittie please. I may be inebriated, but I know good and well what I am currently doing. So can finish what I rehearsed in the cab?" Kittie nodded for him to continue.

"Kittie you have shown me patience that I didn't deserve, love that I desperately needed, and feelings that no one else could have made me feel." He opens a box and shows a beautiful ring, that looks like it's... far out of his price range.

"Peter how much was this ring?" Kittie asked holding back tears. "That's not important. The only this I want to know is... will you marry me Katherine Pryde?"

Kittie was full on crying now. Her eyes were beyond watery. "...Yes, yes I will marry you." Kittie picked up Peter and got him to his feet.

It took a few seconds for Peter to get the ring on her finger, but her got there. The two kiss and hug each other.

"So how much was the ring?" Kittie asked softly. "It didn't cost anything. It's May's ring." Kittie looked shocked. "When I told her that I was thinking about proposing to you, and she gave me her ring right away."

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