Traveling With a Goddess (Storm PT. 2)

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Peter was the first to wake up. Instead of seeing the sun through his curtain, he saw a sea of white. It was the hair of his beautiful fiancé Ororo Munroe.

Her hair was everywhere, and there was a lot of it. When she didn't have it tied back it went down past her butt. Peter got out of bed, shockingly the bed frame was still intact.

"Thank you for the Vibramium bed frame Shuri." Peter whispered to himself. He got dressed to go outside. He put on his heavy jacket to meet the cold.

When he get gets outside of his door, he sees his neighbor Mr. Lee sitting on a chair outside of his own apartment.

"Good morning Mr. Lee." Peter was always nice to the old man with a wonderful smile. "Good morning Parker. You know when you graduate this summer, I hope you get a big house for yourself." "Really?" "Yes. So I can stop hearing your little fiancé making those ungodly noises."

Peter blushed. For some reason he forgot that his appointment was not soundproof whenever Ororo was over.

"Yeah s-sorry about that. If it's any consolation, me and her are going away for the weekend." Peter said. "That does make me feel better son. Now get out of here." Mr. Lee, although annoyed, was always polite to Peter.

Peter went to a bodega and picked a few sandwiches for breakfast.

When he gets back to his apartment, he sees Ororo up and moving. Sadly she was clothed, which disappointed Peter.

"Hey, I'm back." Ororo turned around and all the disappointment went away with one smile given by Ororo.

"Hello honey. Where did you go, I was sad when you weren't there when I woke up." Ororo ran her finger down his face. "Yeah sorry. I went to a bodega near by and picked up some breakfast. And I also got some lunch stuff for when when we hit the road."

Peter set down his bag of groceries on the counter. He handed her a 'Baconeggandchesse'

(Yes, it's all one word in New York for some reason. At least it's pronounced like that.)

"So when do you want to leave?" Ororo asked before taking a bite of her sandwich. "Maybe around 10:30 it's a bit of a drive." Peter said as he sat down next to Ororo with his own sandwich.

"Sound great. You're so smart. So beautiful, so... amazing." Ororo was going in for a kiss, but Peter put his index finger on her lips. "Eat. We'll need our energy if we go at it again before we leave." Peter said before taking a bite.

"Fine. But when we get to that cabin, I'm going to ravish you on a bear skin rug." Ororo said as she looked away from Peter. "Bear skin rug? You have quite the imagination." Ororo smiles and looked down with a smile.

"Now when you see me on this bear skin rug, what else is there?" Peter asked in a low voice, brushing the hair out of her face.

"Well. I always see you right next to a fireplace, glass of wine in hand. Waiting for me... with a blanket barley covering you."

Ororo had to close her thighs at her own words. "Calm down sister. I can rail you on the bear skin rug... when we get there. Right now we need to get to the rental car... for now eat. Peter said as he put the sandwich to her mouth.


The lovers are in the road. The road has been mostly snow and dirt. Ororo was driving and Peter took out his camera to document this. The camera didn't flash but it did shutter.

"What are you doing?" Ororo asked, not taking her eyes off of the road. "You look beautiful, focused, and I need pictures for the project." Peter explained. "How does one look beautiful while driving in a season that isn't summer. My hair isn't even done, it's just in a messy bun."

"And that is so hot." Peter said as he put his camera back in his bag. "I will never understand you. I can be wearing this beautiful dress that shows off all my assets, or I could be wearing baggy pants, one of your shirts and look like I just woke up and you would have the same reaction." Ororo finished.

"I'll never understand it either, but I love you and anything you do or wear." Peter kisses her cheek and keeps driving.

Soon enough they needed gas. So they stopped to stretch and use the bathroom. Ororo was pumping gas into the car. While doing this a random guy came into earshot.

"Well aren't you a tall glass of water." Ororo looked over to where the voice came from. It was just your average guy. Nothing special.

"What do you what?" Ororo sounded annoyed. "Just wanted to chat." Mr. Average kept talking for some reason.

"Why talk to me? Can you not see the ring on my finger?" She pointed out the ring. Mr. Average was thrown off by this. "I... I should probably go now huh?" He stammered. "Yeah." Average went back to his car and Peter came back out with a bag in his hand.

"I didn't know if you wanted mountains stream or mountain spring so I got both you choose." Ororo was confused at his words. "Water bottles."

The two continued on their trek to the cabin. It was Peter's turn to drive this time. Ororo's seat was all the way back and she was lying down, taking a nap. Peter soon stopped at a light and took out his camera and snapped a picture.

She soon awoke and looked at a Peter. "Another photo?" "Yes. Another one of you beautiful women."

The two of them get to the cabin. And to Ororo's enjoyment, there was a bear skin rug. Ororo dropped her bags and nearly tackled Peter.

Their make out session lasted half an hour before Peter spoke up. "Now now, Ororo. I need you to pose for some more shots so I can ravish you later." Peter got up from his place on the floor. Ororo groaned in annoyance, but posing for Peter was.. oddly sexy to her.

The first shot was Ororo sitting in a chair, reading a book, with glasses, and that one brown turtleneck Peter LOVES for some reason.

The second shot was her looking at a sunset. The sun peaked through her hair and created an amazing shot.

After a few more pictures Peter went into edit the pictures. Taking out any oddities to make sure that everything was perfect. You would think that Ororo would be sad that Peter took an hour to do this, but it actually gave her time to prepare the events of the night.

Peter came back into the living area to see Ororo with the most amazing white and lacy bra and panty combo. The white matched her hair perfectly. She was on the bear skin rug, holding a glass of wine, and a roaring fire behind her.

"Hello dear." Ororo said with a low whisper. Peter took out his second camera and took a picture of this spectacular moment. "You can't use this for your project honey." "Oh this isn't for my project, this is a Polaroid camera, it's for my personal collection." Peter said as he put his camera down.

He joins Ororo on the rug and they begin to kiss.  Ororo moves to Peter's neck. "You are magnificent." Ororo moved her head back so Peter could get at her neck now.

"And you're amazing."

It was a very bright moment for the both of them. 

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